VIDEO: His Giant Dog Was Terrified Of Water. But Wait Till You See When His Human Does THIS

Dogs seem to either love or hate water. Some will run and jump right into a pond or stream without hesitation while others do everything in their power to avoid ending up in it. Despite having a swimming style named after them, not all dogs have the natural ability to swim and stay afloat. Some do and others can be taught to swim, with proper oversight for their safety.

There are also certain dogs should not go near water because they easily tire or get cold, are deathly afraid of it and panic, or their legs are too short to adequately keep them afloat. If your dog falls into one of those categories you should not allow them near deep water unsupervised or try to teach them how to swim.

If you have a big, calm, lovable dog like the English Mastiff named Samson in this video, then you can go ahead and give your pup a swimming lesson. The adorable dog is hesitant and afraid at first, unsure of what to do and not wanting to let go of his dad who is holding him afloat in the water.

The sight of such a huge dog clinging to his owner in a pool is heart warming, amusing, and kind of funny! Samson gets some much needed reassurance as his dad rubs his back and tells him it’s alright and that he’s being a good boy. After a little time and with his owner’s calming patience, the big puppy begins to gradually relax and accept the water.

Sensing the moment is right, his owner sets him up for his first solo attempt at swimming, then lets him go. Samson is clearly a natural as he takes off doggy paddling towards the steps without ever once sinking down or flailing around.

Now he can cross it off his bucket list and be all the more confident and safe around the pool and other large bodies of water! His mom and dad are thrilled with their cherished dog’s progress and it’s wonderful to see such a happy and momentous occasion.

Check it out if you want to smile and remember to always take precautions and supervise animals and children around pools to keep them all safe.

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This Cowboy Dad Catches His Daughter Dancing To Hip Hop. Now Watch His Reaction!

There are few forces in the universe as powerful as the love of a father for his daughter. For each of them, it is a relationship and special part of life that cannot be replicated. From the moment he first meets her, a father is wrapped around her tiny little finger, and there is nothing that he wouldn’t do for her.

A girl learns love, trust and confidence from her father, which helps guide her on her path as she becomes a woman. A man learns how to provide for, protect, love and let go of his little girl, teaching him valuable life lessons that make him a better man.

When the video begins, it just seems like any other girl filming herself dancing to hip hop, but everything changes when her cowboy father sees her and steps up to the plate. His first few steps are not quite on, as he tries his best to synchronize with her.

Pretty soon, he is dancing so well it seems like they have been practicing together for weeks. He flawlessly whips and naenae’s at just the right time, with impeccable style and a heart full of love. Every father-daughter relationship is like a dance.

As each person moves, the other does their best to move in a way that is complimentary, but it isn’t always easy, and sometimes it doesn’t look pretty. But in the end, both people learn things about themselves and the other person that inform their growth together and as individuals. Tell us about your reaction to this video in the comments.

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This Father Has Triplets But When They Get Into The Minivan I Lost It!

More and more fathers have been taking on an increased role in their child’s lives. These days, dads are hands on and the childcare is no longer left for just mom to do. Whether it’s changing diapers, grocery shopping, hauling the kids to school and practice, or playing around at home and watching TV, dads are spending time doing things with their kids.

In homage to devoted fathers everywhere, a man decided to gather his young triplets and two older boys, to create a silly, fun, and entertaining parody video of the song “Sexy and I know it.” The lyrics and title have been appropriately changed in the new version to “I’m a Daddy and I Know it,” which was uploaded to the YouTube channel DaddyCrazy5.

The song and music video turned out awesome, with the subject matter and lyrics fitting unbelievably well with the original one’s. The dad in the video clearly loves and adores his children and from the looks of it, he does quite a lot around the house.

With 5 kids, three of them being triplets, he better be helping out mom! He takes us through a typical day in his life with his family. We see him changing diapers, playing house, doing laundry, picking up toys, feeding the kids, reading them books, and taking them on a shopping excursion. All the while he stays active, dancing and shaking his booty, even lifting his kids as a way to get in a work out.

The video shows how much fun and love families often have for each other, even when doing the mundane daily tasks that we all dread. Best of all, the kids look like they are having the time of their life doing this project with their father.

Their little faces are filled with smiles and delight as they dance and play with dad and watch him act all silly. They are going to have some great memories when they look back and watch this video in the future. Maybe they will even make a sequel or remix as they grow older!

Check out the video and remember to pass it on to your family, friends, and especially any dads you may know. They can reminisce about their fatherhood experiences, or relate to it in what they are going through now, either way they will love it!

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He Tries To Relax On The Sofa After A Long Day. Now Watch His Dogs Unexpected Surprise Reaction!

Dogs are a lot like little kids. They love playing, sleeping, cuddling, and occasionally get restless. That is what one Great Dane was doing in this home video that his dad shot. The adorable and large framed puppy seems to think that by throwing his massive body around and flopping into bed with his owner he can get him to play. Or maybe he is just trying to look super cute!

In the video, a large black one year old Great Dane named Bodie Gene makes his presence known. Bodie crawls up into bed with his owner Roy Fields, of Hudson Oaks, Texas, and angles his large frame right up on him.

The dog can’t seem to relax or get comfortable as he wiggles and looks to Roy for some attention. Roy says that they “always lay on the couch right before bed, but he wanted to play that night.” Bodie flails around restlessly as he waits for his human friend to get up and play, but Roy just wants to relax and soon go to bed.

The poor puppy will have to entertain himself but his attempts at spurring Roy into action definitely make a heartwarming, funny, and memorable moment for the two of them. At first sight Great Danes look like huge, powerful, and imposing dogs. Their high stature and sleek bodies combined with ears that stand at attention make them appear guarded and always alert.

However, looks can be deceiving. The AKC describes the breed as having a laid back attitude and docile nature. These dogs are often very gentle and loving in temperament and make wonderful family pets since they tend to get along well with other animals and children.

Like many other dogs, they are naturally inquisitive and love to play with whatever strikes their fancy at the moment. Bodie is a shining example of the breed’s natural traits and it seems like life with a Great Dane is filled with love and snuggles!

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Fathers and Their Children Ask Each Other A Simple Question. The Result I Can’t Hold Back The Tears.

Have you ever wanted to ask your father if he is proud of you, or tell him how grateful you are that he’s in your life? Fathers tend to have a hard time expressing their emotions and often have difficulty opening up to their children. A lot of what they are feeling is never said out loud and communicated, which leaves kids feeling distant and left to guess as to what their dad may really be thinking. This can be unhealthy and lead to a lot of mistaken assumptions that may hurt kids feelings and go un-addressed for years.

It is society which as taught and come to expect fathers to behave in this emotionally distant manner, while mothers are expected take on the primary emotional support role in their kid’s and families lives. That is the motivation behind this video about the #TellThemNow campaign, which encourages more open and direct lines of communication between fathers and their children, regardless of how old they may be.

The people in the clip were only asked to participate in a short video and weren’t told anything else about what it entailed. A father and child pair were directed to stand closely facing one another, and the son or daughter began by asking the question, ‘What about me makes you proud?’ to their dad.

All the responses that followed were genuine, and from the heart, being said on the spot. Some dad’s answered saying, “everything,” “you’re loving,” “funny,” “you helped me,” and so on, elaborating from there and opening up much further. The pairs were surprised by how powerful and emotional the simple exercise was and some even cried, others laughed and hugged, but they all felt a deeper connection.

What made this so raw and true was that it was sudden and unrehearsed. These people all finally spoke out loud what had been on their minds and in their thoughts for so long. Finally, they felt safe to express, and hear, what they should have shared with each other all along.

We never know how much more time we have here on Earth or how long our loved ones will be with us, so before they are gone you should tell them how you feel. Hopefully you were inspired to reach out to your father to connect with him and open up. Father’s day is a week away, so now is the perfect time to call him up and tell him you love him if you haven’t done so already lately.

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This Father Kicked His Daughters Out Of Their Room For 3 Days. When They Saw Why They Lost It!

Adam Hadlock describes himself as a “Garage-mahal-architect-builder, Maker, Do-er.” After watching his DIY bedroom treehouse, you’ll agree. Adam Hadlock is a dad that has created a bedroom for his girls that could only be imagined in a child’s dreams! The fact that he spun his magic in only three days makes it all the more fantastical. He turns their bedroom into a tree house, playroom and phenomenal sleep space that will make the sharing of this room a memory that his kids will treasure forever.

Dad put all his love and creativity into this delightful Christmas present. His talent and devotion to his kids is nothing short of amazing. One can only hope that he uses his imagination and building skills into a business where he can create environments like this for other children. Be sure to watch this video to the end.

Not only will you be enthralled with the finished product, but your hearts will be warmed by his presentation of the remodeled bedroom to his girls. Their squeals of joy and comments like “you must really love us” make the reveal of what this devoted dad has created all the more enjoyable. Can you imagine the memories these kids will carry with them for the rest of their lives?

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