Baby Throws Funny Hissy Fit After This Sneaky Dog Steals His Cookie.

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Baby-proofing our homes is a must in keeping our little ones safe.  Those annoying plastic devices placed inside cabinets ensure that kids don’t get into potentially harmful substances…but watch what happens when a bag of cookies gets placed under the kitchen sink!

The 18-month-old little guy in the VIDEO you are about to watch below, not only knows where the hiding place is, but has some pretty clever ideas about how his tiny hands can bypass the obstacles.  Not only will you be in awe of this little one’s determination, but get ready for an “OH NO!” giggle at his expense.

Not one, but 3 dogs provide the hilarity in this baby’s pursuit of the desired cookie!  This little fella definitely has a promising future…his ‘never give up’ attitude will take him far in this world.  In life sometimes you just can’t always get what you want.

It’s a lessons we all must learn the hard way. Unfortunately for this little guy’s time to learn is now. He can barely talk, but his brain is hard at work to get what he wants…ENJOY!!

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Mom Confronts Big Dog About Who Made The Mess. He Proceeds To Rat On and Point Out The Culprit!

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At 30 seconds in, I lost it! Abby the French bulldog was having quite the fun time with a roll of toilet paper when her people were away, but she didn’t take into account that her friend Turner the bull mastiff would rat her out. She probably thought he was on her team, and maybe Turner even helped her make the mess. But when faced with judgment day, Turner turns on Abby and blames the whole thing on her in the most hilarious way. Of course, by the look on Turner’s and Abby’s faces, I just might believe the mastiff.

From the beginning, Abby looks guilty. A long trail of toilet paper lays strewn behind her, ending in a garland around her little neck. The look in her eyes screams guilt, and she seems to realize she’s not going to get away with it this time.

When the camera shifts to Turner, Abby just might have been hoping he would take the fall, but no such luck. When asked, “Who did this, Turner?” the mastiff is hesitant. She was probably thinking about how much flack she was going to receive from the little one once their people weren’t around anymore.

But Turner only hesitated for a second, before begrudgingly throwing poor Abby under the bus. Pointing with her paw, the mastiff looks down in shame as she avoids trouble for herself, but becomes a snitch in the process.

No one likes a snitch, and I can’t imagine Abby is any different. Once her only witness turns on her, Abby has no choice but to admit what she has done. With a look of guilt and shame, the bulldog hangs her head and tells the truth in the process. Note if video doesn’t play automatically on your tablet or phone turn it horizontal.

Watch the video below and enjoy 🙂

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Cute Puppy Feels Air Conditioning For The First Time.

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When the temperature is soaring and the sun is beating down, nothing quite hits the spot like some good old air conditioning. A constant streaming blast of icy cold air is immediately refreshing, especially if you happen have a black fur coat on like the Labrador puppy in this video.

The cute puppy was sitting in the front seat of his owner’s car when the air conditioning came on. The sudden flow of cool air was like a welcome northerly breeze to the little guy and he was both delighted and intrigued by the awesomeness of it. He tried to lap up the blowing air as if he were hanging his head out of the car window and his reaction was probably the cutest thing that he could have possibly done at that moment!

Now that it’s heating up again and summer is fast approaching, it’s a good time to spread awareness about the dangers of leaving pets, children, and any dependent person alone in a car, even for just a minute or two, on a warm or hot day. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) the temperature inside a car can quickly climb to 110° F or higher when the outside air temperature is in the 60s. On an 83° day the interior temperature can reach 109° in 15 minutes, even with the windows rolled down a couple of inches.

These temperatures are enough to cause heatstroke, where your body temperature rises to 104° or higher, and this can be deadly. Some individuals are more susceptible to heat stroke, as are pets, and dogs in particular can only cool down by panting or sweating through their paw pads. Once their body temps rise it’s hard to get them back down, which is why even a few minutes in a hot car can kill them.

If you know you are going someplace where you can’t bring your pet, leave them at home. If you have little kids and drop them off in the morning at daycare or something, set a reminder and always check the backseat when you lock and leave your car. Being aware and vigilant about this can only help save lives.

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Mama Confronts Her Dog About The Giant Mess. He Denies It With a Huge Tantrum.

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Anyone who has ever shared their heart and home with a Siberian Husky knows how intelligent and spirited they are. The beautiful dogs are full of personality and are social, friendly, accepting, and extremely energetic. They love to run and play and if they don’t get enough exercise in they can easily become bored and restless. As cute as they may be, Huskies are seriously a lot of work. They are well-known for their penchant for wandering and are highly capable escape artists. That’s the reason why they’re called the “Houdini” of the dog world and some are even able to clear 6+ foot fences with ease.

Oftentimes if a Husky is left alone it’ll end up turning to destructive behaviors, which can get them into a lot of trouble. This, coupled with the fact that many people keep their dogs inside when they step out so as to keep them safe and secure at home, can turn out to be a disaster.

Such was the case for one Husky dog’s owners who left their boy named Blu alone when they went out on a date. When they returned home they opened the door to find a huge mess and adorable, handsome looking Blu was sitting right their waiting for them in the middle of it!

Apparently the big Husky had decided to rip apart his nice comfy bed while they were gone and parts of it were strewn all over the wood floor. Bits and pieces of shredded bedding were everywhere and there was simply no way that Blu could try to deny his guilt, that is if he even wanted to. Rather than hang his head in shame and act like he was sorry, he started mouthing off to his parents!

As they tried to reprimand and ask what he’d done, Blu talked over them and started whining and crying out loudly. He didn’t even stop to take a breathe and his stream of moaning and groaning continued on until it turned into a full out tantrum. He wasn’t holding back and while most tantrums can easily become annoying, his was just the funniest, cutest thing ever. Check him out and see what I mean! Note: If trouble viewing video turn mobile device or iPad horizontal.

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THIS Cat Had a Litter of 7 Tiny Kittens. But What The Family Dog Does To Them Is UNTHINKABLE!

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Dogs and cats are often portrayed as natural enemies, but we all know that in many situations that is simply not the case.  There are countless stories of cats and dogs getting along just fine, some are even best friends. The canine-feline bond is extremely strong among many of the animals, to the point where sometimes they’ll even adopt and care for each other’s babies!   

When Regina, a woman who lives in Louisiana, was asked to take care of two cats for a friend who had joined the U.S. Navy, she was more than happy to welcome them into her home.  Wanting them to be comfortable, she gave the kitties, Gail and Tara, their own space in her sewing room and they quickly settled in. While one of the cats, Tara, initially seemed to be a bit bloated to both Regina and her roommate, they soon dismissed any concerns they’d had and thought that maybe she was just a huskier cat. 

All that changed when a few weeks later Regina woke to the sound of meowing.  The cats were usually very quiet, so she went and checked on them. What she found was that Tara wasn’t fat, instead she’d been pregnant and had given birth to two tiny kittens!  By the end of the day, her litter would grow to contain seven newborns and Tara was beyond happy with her new litter.

In addition to her feline guests, Tara and her roommate had two dogs living with them, Archer and Zooey.  At first the dogs could have cared less about the new kittens, but over time that changed. Archer, a Dachshund mix, began to develop a very keen interest in them a short while after they were born.  This worried Regina, she wasn’t sure why he was suddenly so honed in on them, so she decided to introduce them all properly. Under her watchful eye, she let Archer get close and sniff them out, and what he did showed her how harmless his interest was!  All that he ended up doing was licking them all over and their cat mother seemed grateful for the new extra help.

Pretty soon Archer had assumed the father position to the kittens.  He loved spending time with them and would pick them up by their scruffs.  He’d bring them along with him everywhere he went. In fact, a couple of times he even brought them to Regina’s bed so they could all cuddle!   Archer truly loved them all so much and turned out to be a great help because he’d clean and play with them and make sure they didn’t get into too much trouble.  

As the kittens grew up and got bigger, caring for 9 cats and two dogs was becoming a lot of work.  While Regina probably wanted to keep them all, she knew that she couldn’t. She wanted the best for them all and eventually found them new forever homes.  While Archer undoubtedly missed them, life soon went back to normal. Regina will never forget the love and devotion he showed them, and it just goes to show that cats and dogs can come together to be a loving family. 

Watch the video below for the full story:

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Dad Tells His Dog To Make His Meanest Face. Dog Then Makes The Funniest Face Ever.

Every dog has talent and each one is gifted in their own special way. Some of them know all the major tricks in the book and can do things like sit, roll over, shake hands, play dead, bark, and more on command. Others are less inclined towards formal types of behaviors and instructions, their talents lie in other areas like playing, running, jumping, cuddling, or even breaking out of their kennels or the house and being amazing escape artists.

The big handsome Rottweiler named Reese in this video happens to be a professional at pulling faces and play acting. He’s mastered the art of turning the charm on and off and can go from all innocent and sweet looking to mean and intimidating in the blink of an eye. It’s unclear whether or not his owner spent any time actually teaching him this awesome skill, but either way he has it down solid and can bust it out on command in just a split-second!

As you can see, Reese starts off looking like a total sweetheart. He’s just lounging on a comfortable cushion while enjoying a nice day outside with his owner. While he looks naturally strong and powerful, as most Rottweilers do, nothing about him appears vicious. Rather, it seems like there’s not a mean bone to be found in his whole body!

All of that changes when his dad tells him to “show me your mean face.” In an instant, Reese goes from calm and serene to seriously mean and fearsome looking. He curls back his upper lip and bares his razor sharp teeth to the gums.

Then he starts to growl in a low, rumbling tone that sounds as menacing as he looks. To top it all off, he even does that strange sort of licking thing that many dogs seem to do when they are super angry and about to attack. It really looks as if he has suddenly become possessed, and yet it’s all just him acting big and tough because he’s really a nice, even natured dog.

If you’re anything like me, you probably had to watch the video several times to convince yourself that Reese wasn’t actually angry or being provoked. He’s not and his acting skills are simply that good because towards the end of the clip he drops the whole mean face act, puts his head down, and is back to being all cute and adorable once again after his dad says “good boy.”

In the end, two things are for certain. Reese has what it takes to be a protective family dog and an effective guard dog. He has the attitude, obedience, and control that makes him loyal and loving, and yet fierce and intimidating looking if need be, all at once.

Not many dogs are capable of appearing so instantly angry and mean looking on cue, but Reese has it down pat. Be sure to check out his mean face and pass it on with any fellow dog lovers that you know, they can surely appreciate this!

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