Teenager Disappears For Over 3 Years Then Shows Back Up At His House. But Things Aren’t How They Seem!

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Every year thousands of children are reported missing to authorities across the country, but thankfully the vast majority of them are soon found safe and sound.  For the few ongoing cases that remain unsolved, police and families work tirelessly to keep the investigation active and leads coming in. All they need is one clue to help break the case wide open and it can come at any time.  When one young boy went missing in Texas, his family could have never imagined how it would play out. It’s a case that has stunned everyone involved and it really makes you wonder how could this have happened?     

This past June 13, 2019 marked the 25th anniversary of the date that Nicholas Barclay went missing from San Antonio, Texas.  He was just 13 years old when he went to play basketball with some friends near his house and afterwards he disappeared without a trace.  His family did not report him missing at first because they thought he had run away and would soon be back. He had already run away from home several times before and had a troubled history of behavior.  The police had been called to the house several times after he’d argued with his mother and he would also talk back to his teachers and skip school.  

It got to the point where he had a sentencing hearing scheduled to see if he should be placed in a juvenile home, which he was vehemently opposed to.  The night he disappeared was the day before the hearing, which was another reason why his family assumed he’d run off, to avoid going to court. By the time a missing person report was filed, and the police started searching, the trail had already gone cold.  There were few clues to follow up on and no one seemed to have seen Nicholas.

Three years went by with no leads until one day authorities in Spain called and claimed they had found a boy who looked like Nicholas.  They said he claimed to be 16 years old and had told them how he’d been kidnapped from America and trafficked to Europe before he finally managed to escape.  Overjoyed that the long missing boy had finally been found, the Barclay family welcomed him back with open arms.  

From the start the family noticed that the Nicholas they had known had changed a bit.  However, they’d also been warned that he’d been through a lot and so when he seemed to act and look different than what they’d remembered, they didn’t really question it.  His eyes and hair color were much darker than before, which he attributed to his captors having dyed and medically changed them in order to alter his appearance in a bid to conceal his identity.  He also seemed to speak with a French accent, but he told them he was forbidden to speak English the whole time and had picked up his kidnapper’s accent. Not wanting to upset and question him too much after all he’d been through, the family let their suspicions slide and tried to get back to normal.

One man who couldn’t ignore the obvious differences was a private investigator named Charlie Parker.  He didn’t buy the boy’s story and noticed that rather than being upset by what he claimed to have gone through, the boy was incredibly open about it all and retold his story to anyone who’d listen.  He thought it was an imposter pretending to be Nicholas and after studying pictures of the two closely something finally jumped out at him and blew a hole in the boy’s story. The person claiming to be Nicholas did not have ears that looked anything like the missing boy’s ears.  

A person’s ears are like their fingerprints, uniquely individual and unchanging with time.  Since the ears did not match up, investigators, the Barclay family, and police finally knew the boy was lying and could not be Nicholas.  It turned out that the boy was actually a 23 year old French man named Frederic Bourdin. He was a renowned con artist who’d been nicknamed “the Chameleon” by Interpol for posing as missing children and stealing hundreds of different identities.  When Spanish police found him, they’d made an offhand remark about how he looked like the missing boy Nicholas Barclay, and from there he assumed the boy’s identity.

Naturally the Barclay family was stunned and heartbroken when they heard the news that they’d been lied to and that Nicholas was still missing.  They had wanted to believe it was him so badly that they’d convinced themselves it was, despite the obvious differences. Due to all the strange twists and mysterious circumstances in the case, no one knows for sure who to believe or what really happened.  For more information on the story check out the video and decide who you believe.     

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Father Had a Weird Feeling Something Wasn’t Right. He Looks At His Daughter’s IPad and Discovers The Terrifying Truth!

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Worrying about your kids is one of the main things you do once you have them. Since the beginning of history this has always been the case. Parents instinctually want to keep their offspring protected and safe at all times. The problem is especially in today’s world, sneaky and suspicious trouble can be lurking around right under your nose with you even knowing it.

Now that pretty much all children have their own computer or use a family computer, the dangers of the internet are something parents need to stay on top of at all times. If they aren’t vigilant and keeping track of their child’s online activity, tragedies can easily occur! You never truly know who you are actually talking to on the other end of that chat you are in. It could be the person they claim to be or it could be a ‘cat fish’ trying to lure you into their con or trap!

Today’s story features a father named Scott Jenkins who already has his hands full with two amazing daughters! Over a pretty short period of time, Scott began to notice his older daughter’s behavior was beginning to drastically change. He couldn’t quite put a finger on what was going on and when he would ask her, like many young kids she just told him she’s fine.

One day, his parenting instincts kicked into full gear, he got ahold of his daughters iPad and began going through all her online activity. He noticed a few odd things but nothing too crazy, but then he noticed she was having an ongoing conversation with Bruce a 15 year old kid who didn’t seem weird at first. There was just something off about her conversations with him so he continued to dive deeper into her online history.

He noticed she was in a group chat with ‘friends’ that he had never heard of and she had been uploading pictures that were a bit too much for a girl of her age. As he gathered evidence and was trying to put together why she had been acting so strange lately, he realized that 4 of the guys in the chat were actually full grown men!

The rage built inside him, but he stayed calm, brought her iPad to the cyber crimes unit at the police station and then waited. Soon he got a call back from the department and they told him he had disturbing news and him and his whole family should come down to the station!

What first surfaced as just a strange parenting gut feeling would soon snowball and unravel into something Bruce could never have dreamed up…

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Mom and Dad Got Their Toddler ‘Harmless’ Makeup. Then It Quickly Becomes a Nightmare They Never Expected!

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Anybody who has a child know they are like little parrots. Whatever they see mom or dad doing they attempt to mimic their behavior. There is nothing better than a little kid proving to themselves that they can do anything their parents can do. Not only do they shadow your every move, their little brains and eyes are locked on you at all times, soaking in every last drop of information their minds can handle.

Many daughters want to be just like their mommy! They will was watch their mama get ready, buy putting on beautiful dresses, doing their hair and finally doing their makeup. It is always fun to play dress up and become a little princess. Most of the time nothing goes wrong and everything is just fine..

However, there are exceptions to this which we will cover in the following article and video. Parent’s Kylie and Tony Cravens got their baby girl toy makeup to wear which was supposedly completely harmless. When they got home from the store, their daughter obviously wanted to immediately try her new toy makeup. Mama helped her apply it and all was well, everyone was smiling, laughing and having a good time.

Then out of no where the toddler began to feel ill and broke out in rashes all over her face. At first she just felt a little burning, then the pain became more and more excruciating. Blisters we’re beginning to form in all the areas they applied the make up to. At this point her parents rushed her to the hospital because they obviously could sense something was very wrong with their baby.

The doctor told them this was clearly some type of anaphylactic allergic reaction to the toy makeup she had applied. It got so bad that those blisters led to swelling of her whole head and she was in a lot of pain.

Mom wanted to spread the word about her daughters situation so she posted it on social media and it quickly went viral!

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Mother Has a Baby Carrier On As She Mows The Lawn. She’s Stunned When a Cop Comes Up Her Driveway!

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Motherhood is definitely the hardest job in the world. The clock never stops, it’s 24/7 365 no days off! Taking care of your children requires you to cook, clean, discipline and every other thing in between with no breaks, no time off and no quitting! This job can become so overwhelming and many people who haven’t been through it, just don’t get how hard tiring it can get. Now imagine having multiple kids and watch how quick your hours and amount of work per/day exponentially increase. With all that being said let’s just take a moment, to appreciate all the hardworking moms out there, grinding every single day to give their children a better life than they had!

This now brings us to today’s story, featuring a hardworking mother of named Rachel Brinley. Rachel has 3 amazing children and a husband name Ryan who has a high-stress job which keeps him in the office basically at all times! This leaves Rachel at home doing all the mothering for most of the week on her own. With that being said, when Ryan is home he helps as much as he can, but he has to take care and provide for his family and the old work schedule just doesn’t allow him any time off.

One morning Rachel noticed that the lawn was looking unkempt, messy and way too over grown. While mowing the lawn is usually dad’s favorite chore, he was so slammed at work that he just couldn’t find a spot in his busy schedule to cut it. Mom’s 2 older kids were busy getting their little brains filled with knowledge and wisdom at school. Her youngest was only 4 months at the time so she had her hands full. The sun was shining, a cool breeze was blowing and the temperature was just perfect. She decided she would mow the lawn and bring her adorable 4 month old to get some fresh air in those baby lungs.

She picked up the babe put her in a baby carrier which went over her shoulders and held the baby on her chest comfortably. She grabbed the lawn mower and began mowing the tall grass. She had been cutting the grass for 10-20 minutes when she looked up with complete surprise as a police officer had pulled into his driveway with the lights on! She thought was she breaking a law? Did she do something wrong? Was her husband okay? Did Ryan break the law? She didn’t know but her mind was running a mile a minute as time seemed too slow to a screeching halt.

The cop opened his door, stepped out and slowly walked towards her. She asked him if everything was okay and he assured her nothing was wrong and everything was in fact okay. He explained he was driving by, saw a mom working her butt off, with a baby strapped to her and thought he could do a solid, pay it forward and help her out by mowing the lawn for her! Rachel was still in shock, thinking that she broke a law or something happened to her husband, but she got her wits about her and told the officer of course he could!

She went inside to grab a nice cool drink for the officer and took a photo with her phone because she knew nobody would believe this. The policeman finished the lawn in record time and Rachel was so thankful for his help. Her faith in humanity was restored she thought, wow there are still good people out there!

That night she posted her pic on social media with the whole story captioned. She just wanted people to know how great law enforcement and sheriffs department was in her town. She never thought in a million years her picture would go mega viral on the internet. Everyone was so moved by this small special deed and it hit everyone right in their heart strings!

This story is a great reminder to everyone out there, that no matter how bad things get and how scary the world seems, there are still wonderful and good people out there doing good deeds. So if you ever see someone who you could help it would probably be a good idea for you to pay it forward! 🙂

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4-Year-Old Is Scared Of The Dark So He Cuddles With His Goldfish. But Then He Wakes To a Terrifying Surprise!

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Ever since he could remember, little four year old Everett Hamlin from Bonaire, Georgia loved his pet goldfish named Nemo.  The boy was just months old when his parents decided to get him his first pet and, being fond of fish, they ended up bringing home Nemo.  Everett would spend hours sitting in front of the tank just watching the goldfish swim around in his bowl and he’d often pick out special little things to decorate Nemo’s home with.

As far as pet goldfish go, the average lifespan is not very long with most living about 2-3 years.  Being 4 years old, Nemo had outlived that average. Everett’s mother, Tori Hamlin, attributed Nemo’s long life to taking excellent care of him and cleaning his tank often but none of that mattered after one February night

After putting Everett to bed Tori and her husband heard a sound coming from his room.  They asked him what was going on and he told them that his dresser had made the noise. Brushing it off as him being fidgety and playing around, they told him to go back to bed and resumed watching TV.  A little while later, Tori went to check in on her son and immediately noticed that he had pushed a chair in his room up to the dresser. There on the floor beside it lay the fish tank but Nemo was not in it.  Everett was fast asleep in bed, so Tori cleaned up the tank yet saw no sign of the goldfish.

After looking all over the place with her husband for Nemo they finally found him and could not believe their eyes.  There in little Everett’s hand was the poor goldfish. Tori was shocked but managed to take a picture before she woke him up.  When he saw that Nemo was dead, he was heartbroken and explained that all he’d wanted to do was cuddle with his pet fish.

Everett’s parents knew he had never tried to pick up Nemo before and chalked it up as an innocent, one-time mistake.  After explaining what happened to their son the next morning, he told them that if he got another fish, he promised to never touch it and that from now on he would only touch fish when he went fishing.  

Trying to make the most of the sad situation, Tori decided she wouldn’t punish her son.  Rather, she saw it as a chance for him to learn from his mistake. In the end, the family went to the pet store and got a brand new tank along with several goldfish, which Everett has promised not to touch.  After the story went viral, people everywhere praised Tori for showing empathy and understanding and giving her son a second chance to get it right.

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Doctors Notice Something Strange Growing In THIS Infant’s Tummy. Then Realize It’s Growing In Her Twin Too!

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Having a child is probably the most exciting and life altering moment of your life. Especially your first child, not knowing what to expect, everything is brand new and there is pretty much no instruction manual that covers your new life that is about to unfold before you! This whole new world of responsibility can at times become daunting and exhausting.

Now imagine instead of just one baby you are having twins! When having twins any worrying you had about one baby is now multiplied by two! From making sure both babies are fine inside the womb, to having a normal and safe birth, and finally preparations of their rooms and the baby proof house for two new babes!

The biggest fear most new parents face is worrying about the health of their new baby and hopefully no problems or health complications. Sadly for many parents, things don’t run as smooth as planned. There are so many things that could potentially go wrong during a pregnancy and if you aren’t being vigilant these issues can sneak right up on you.

That brings us to today’s story featuring Elisa and Michael Dunn, a couple who were expecting their first child. They were first stunned to find out they weren’t just bringing one baby into the world, they were having twin baby girls! They celebrated the news although they knew it would be double the work, but they still felt blessed and thankful.

On July 4th, Independence Day in the USA, twin baby girls Isabella and Madeline were born. Because they were born on July 4th they nicknamed the two cuties their sweet little ‘firecrackers’. As the new family settled in with their twin baby firecrackers everything seemed to be going great.

That is until one somber day in September when the twins had a routine check-up with their doctor. During the exam the doctor immediately noticed that Madeline’s stomach seemed to be bulging and when he pressed on it something didn’t feel right! The doctor took an ultrasound image, viewed it, and a visible growth was clearly showing. The doctor had to give the Dunn family some pretty scary news…

From what he saw on the ultrasound it looked as if baby Madeline may have some type of tumor or cancer! He sent them to a specialist to get her belly further checked out. They took blood work, got samples, did all the testing that was necessary. Then came the terrifying diagnosis. The doctor told the Dunns their sweet baby girl had a rare type of cancer called a Stage 4s Neuroblastoma. If this news wasn’t bad enough, the specialist suspected her twin sister Isabella might have something similar and asked her parents if he could examine her as well.

That’s when the double dose of terrible news came crashing down on the Dunns. Both of their daughters had soft balled sized Stage 4s Neuroblastomas growing off of their adrenal glands. The doctors explained to them that it is very rare for twins to both have the same cancer at the same time. But in this particular case they suspected that the initial cancer cells started multiplying and duplicating inside Madeline in the womb and were passed on to her sister Isabella.

They reasoned that because they were identical twins they shared certain blood vessels and arteries while they were still in the womb. These vessels would act as pathways for the cancer cells to travel from one baby to the other. Because the cancer began months before they were born and continued growing from their kidneys and then into their livers a successful surgery would not be possible.

Both girl’s livers were now filled with tumors and their fate was now uncertain. The doctors were unsure if surgery would be beneficial and they didn’t think either twin would survive it. So they decided on the next best thing Chemotherapy.

In general Chemotherapy can have serious side effects for a grown adult or an older child; but the side effects for babies this young would be much worse. Their parents were so scared and horrified, but they opted for the chemotherapy, because not doing anything was just not an option!

Both girls started chemotherapy separately during the first round. They both experienced horrible side effects and were suffering through the treatment. After the second round of chemo, the girls were brought back together and somehow just being near each other lessened the side effects.

They both went through 4 arduous, long and painful chemotherapy sessions, then two weeks before Christmas the twins had an MRI taken to see how they had responded to the treatment. A miracle had occurred, Isabella and Madeline’s cancer were both completely in remission and their were no signs of cancer in their systems!

Luckily their rare cancer stayed in remission and never came back! The girls still get check-ups every 6 months just to make sure everything is still in remission. The twins are now healthy and growing up just like any other normal kids would. They had no long term side effects from the cancer or the chemotherapy. Thank god this story had an amazing and beautifully happy ending for these two adorable baby ‘firecrackers’.

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