Mom Says Nope He Can’t Sit On Her Lap In The Car. The Pup Then Throws The Funniest Hissy Fit!

Dogs share a lot of things in common with little kids, especially puppies. They both love to eat, sleep, poop, play, and every once in awhile they throw a temper tantrum. If you have a pet you know that they either love the car or hate it. In most cases dogs tend to love road trips while cats would rather avoid a car ride at all costs. However as with most things in life there are always exceptions to the rule.

It’s inevitable but sometimes their little hissy fits are more adorable than they are annoying! That’s how Napoleon’s tiny tantrum turned out in this home video that his foster mom shot. Napoleon is the cutest and most precious little Dachshund I have ever seen.  With that being said Napoleon and his mama were in the car one day, with mama in the driver’s seat and him riding shotgun beside her.

Napoleon really wanted to curl up in her lap and snuggle but she wouldn’t let him sit there because it’s simply not safe. The poor puppy was still too young to understand her well-intentioned “no” so he protested against it in the cutest possible way that he could! Napoleon whimpers and whines as he cries his way through the short clip!

The black and tan little fuzz-ball moves around unsteadily on his tiny legs and smooshes his face into the seat while giving his saddest puppy eyes to the camera. He makes the most adorable faces, especially when he sticks out his tongue and cries like a baby, which he does several times! He really knows how to work his sweetness to his advantage because all that adorableness would be super hard to say no to.

In the end, mom’s word is law. Safety first means he stays where he is, besides she doesn’t want him to form any bad habits, especially in the car! Watch the video below and enjoy the adorableness. This sweet pup is guaranteed to melt your heart.  Just look at that precious little face. Napoleon is the cutest puppy I’ve seen all day!

Note if you have trouble playing the video turn your mobile device or iPad or tablet horizontal! 🙂

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This Puppy Had Been Living In The Trash. Now Watch Her Mom’s Reaction When They Try To Save Her!

The trauma suffered by abandoned animals is just heartbreaking.  Hope for Paws heard about a mother dog and her two little pups, who were living in squalor in a back alley.  To survive, they had been living off nothing but garbage in a dumpster, and were infested with fleas.

Eldad Hagar instructs the girl with him how to approach these timid animals who have no reason to trust humans.  They approached the terrified mom, whom they named Mable, by dropping bits of food for her.  Although she ate from a distance, she was really skiddish.  Being younger, once the puppies approached to be fed, they were much more trusting and allowed the two people to hold and comfort them.

Eldad had to use a device to coax the terrified Mable to stay still enough to comfort her.  She eventually calmed down enough to get her and her two darling pups, named Dallas and Texas, on the first leg of their trip to safety.  We watched them in early footage after being rescued and restored to physical health, and after 6 months to far better psychological recovery.

The work that Hope for Paws does is so remarkable.  As with so many other animals who get rescued from disastrous conditions, Mable, Dallas and Texas all went on to their “forever homes”,  enabling them to live out their lives receiving the love and care that they deserve.

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This Puppy Gives Himself A Bath. But What The Camera Caught Him Doing After Is So Funny!

Who doesn’t love a golden retriever puppy?  I mean all puppies are cute, but in my humble opinion Golden Retrievers corner the cuteness market!  Brady, the Golden Retriever puppy whom you are about to meet in this adorable video, is one of those puppies who just loves taking baths.  Many puppies get scared, but Brady is the exact opposite.

It’s not the fact that he loves taking baths that makes Brady so unusual, however… He loves taking baths all by himself!! I’m not kidding.  He stays in the tub as long as possible, lapping up every  last bit of water, as he watches it go down the drain.

He hops out of the tub on his own.  You would think he’d shake the water off and go on his way.  Not Brady! You have to watch how he manages to wrap himself perfectly in his bright pink towel and goes into his bed, perfectly covered up and relaxed for his after-bath nap!  This footage of this sweet, smart puppy is priceless.

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This Puppy Wiener Dog Thinks His Human Is Being Assaulted. Now Watch How He Reacts..

The short legged hound in this video is of German origin, with the name Dachshund meaning badger dog. The canine has been used for smelling, chasing, and flushing out badgers, as well as other small burrow dwelling animals.

This particular pup’s behavior is therefore not unusual as it identifies its target, its human mother’s man friend, and tenaciously encroaches upon him. The long, narrow breed are now frequently just house pets, but as you can see, the dog’s roots have not been forgotten.

When the wiener dog believes his owner is under attack he viciously charges the assaulter, barking to chase him away. The little pup seems unaware that his barrage is less than terrifying however, as his size is such that one can only laugh instead of feel threatened when he pounces in their direction. The pretend harm is continued and the canine persists with wholehearted defense, which pushes the assailant quickly out of view of the camera.

Dachshunds are statistically aggressive to strangers, as well as other dogs, and their stubborn nature can make them difficult to train. Apathetic to their small size, they are dominated by determination and ferociously work toward their objectives, which are typically hunting birds, small critters, and tennis balls, or intimidating unfamiliar and disliked people. They energetically growl and bark to express their disinclination, though the hostility can be easily vanquished with ample affection and socialization. Isn’t this dog admirable!?

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THIS 2 Week Old Pup Howls For The 1st Time Ever. Now Watch His Proud Mama’s Funny Reaction!

Do you know when you giggle the deepest, soul-filling laugh that makes you feel like a little kid and you can’t control it? That’s the kind of giggle this video provides. In just twenty short seconds an effing adorable puppy gains a little more communication with the world.

He starts the ascent of his hoot with innocent little grumbles and whines. Then he notices what happens when he opens his mouth. He is so impressed with himself that he belts it out from the bottom of his lungs. He falls out of howl when he runs out of air, and no sooner than his next breath is it he at it again.

This Alaskan Malamute is only fourteen days old and sounds almost like a cat meowing. His short howl meanders into barks and then mama dog succinctly tells him to pipe it down. He responds with whimpers and retaliation, which leads to the gang chiming in. It’s funny how as pet owner’s, we bark when our dogs do. Who’s really in charge?

I love videos like this that are short little uplifts to your day. They come in with a jolt of impact and when it’s over you’re left with reassurance that the world is all kinds of beautiful. Cute baby animals lift the spirits of every being they come in contact with, creating joy and laughter for people throughout the earth and in the endless realms of the interwebs.

The cuteness of the baby animal is so powerful, it holds the very fabric of human society in a higher state of vibration through welcomed psychological manipulations, exercised through very large, round heads and relatively enormous eyes. Thank you, cute baby animals!

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They Walked Outside and Saw A Puppy Who Escaped From A Dog Fighting Ring. What Follows Is INCREDIBLE

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A five month old pit bull puppy ended up in a rescue shelter after he was found wounded on a porch this past May. The punctures to his neck and face are thought to be from illegal dog fighting. Lovingly called Jax, the pup was in rough shape.

His head was swollen, eyes shut, with a big gash on his neck. Jax showed his appreciation for being taken in by loudly thumping his tail at the approach of a person, despite his painful state. Nightly visits to Jax revealed perseverance and recovery. His tail wagged a little longer, his eyes opened a little wider.

Jax began showing interest in play and even began to smile. The poor thing spent two weeks in emergency care before he was released to foster. The young lady who was the recipient of the porch pup thought he was going to die on the way to the hospital. She confessed being angry when she saw what had happened to him. She felt saddened and needed to help.

A victim of dog fighting, Jax was fully recovered after three weeks. He was allowed to go to his self appointed home by the magic of Grace. This heart breaking story serves to send the message that dog fighting is detrimental.

If you suspect this sort of animal treatment anywhere, it should be reported immediately to your local authorities. Don’t let animal abuse go without penalization! There are animals everywhere suffering and you can save them.

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