Her Dog Died 2 Days After She Gave Him A New Toy. This Is Something Every Dog Owner Needs To Read

Dog owners everywhere need to be aware and on the lookout for a potentially dangerous toy that has already been linked to the death of at least one dog. Recent posts on social media have brought attention to certain toys that have a hole in one side of them. Dogs tongues can become trapped in the hole because it creates a vacuum effect that sucks their tongues in.

When the toy is yanked and pulled on, to try and remove it, the tension becomes tighter since there is no second hole that would relieve the pressure. The dogs who were injured from these toys had to be brought to the vet to receive emergency care and have the balls removed.

In one case a Rottweiler named Maximus ended up passing away from complications related to a Kong brand ball toy that suctioned to his tongue. His heartbroken owner, Jamie Stumpf, took to Facebook on August 19 writing, “The Vet hopes the tissue does not die in the amount that would require removal of the tissue. I will not choose to allow a major portion to be taken. It’s not in his best interests.” Sadly, just one day later, Maximus died.

The exact same toy related issue popped up again the very next day on August 20 when Vergi 24/7 posted a photo of a dog named Rooney with his tongue stuck in a ball. Vets at the Houston, Texas emergency animal hospital sedated the dog and used a needle to carefully release the suction. Only after all that and sustained effort did they finally get the ball off.

While the Kong toy called “The Beast” has specifically been named as the brand and type of toy that caused these dog’s injuries (and has only one hole) there are countless others on the market sold by different retailers and brands. ANY toy that has a single hole opening can create a suction that can lead to an animal getting their tongue trapped in it.

Please take a moment to inspect your pets toys, and in the future examine any new ones you pick up as well. If you happen to have a toy with only one entry point, and no secondary hole anywhere else, either dispose of it right away or modify it. You can drill a hole in the other end to take away it’s ability to hold a suction, and thus make it safer.

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There’s A New Danger At The Beaches This Year. It Looks Stunning But It Could Kill You!

image via – youtube.com

What a cool looking creature! Turns out, the man o’ war is not a jellyfish, but actually a colony of little sneaksters that are attached and integrated so thoroughly that they can not live by themselves. At the surface of the ocean, the man o’ war floats through life, moving only by the force of currents and tides.

Strong winds may push them into bays and beaches, where they should be only looked upon and with caution. Where there is one man o’ war, there is many, but often an entire beach will be closed after the sighting of just one.  Recently there has been a massive increase in numbers of Portuguese Man O’ War from Delaware to New York. Watch the video below to learn more about the risks and what to do if you come into contact with one.

When I was in sixth grade I spent a week in West Palm Beach, Florida with my friend and her dad. We stayed in a hotel on the beach where we spent everyday from sunrise to sunset in the outdoor pool. Entering the sunshine state mid Northeast Winter, we grew layers of blistering sun burns in the first part of the week.

We were so heat exhausted that my friend was vomiting up her daily grilled cheeses in the groomed poolside plants, and her father’s concern was that we were spending too much time in the pool, so he sent us to the beach. My friend and I reluctantly approached the beautiful ocean water and were delighted when we learned it was many degrees more comfortable than the Atlantic we were familiar with.

Promptly, I was thrashed with a wave across the face, which knocked my child body to the ground to be pummeled by undertow and exasperation. Then I felt it! An electric shock like whip along the side of my arm. I struggled to catch my breath through the inhaled salt water and looked down to see my forearm and hand red and inflamed.

My friend and I made our way back to the hotel pool where the lifeguard confirmed I had been stung by a man o’ war. The hero then sprayed my arm with cologne to soothe the welts and told us to go swim in pool.

Enjoy the beach this summer, but always stay aware of your surroundings.  Keep your eye out for these beautiful but dangerous and potentially deadly creatures.

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Video: She Steps Out Of The Car For Only a Few Seconds. Then It Tore My Heart To Pieces!

A 2010 experiment with Car and Driver magazine editor Eddie Alterman, which took place at a deserted air strip, showed that texting while driving had a worse impact on safety than if you were driving while intoxicated. While legally drunk, Alterman’s stopping distance from 70 mph increased by 4 feet; by contrast, reading an e-mail added 36 feet, and sending a text added 70 feet. While celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey have campaigned against texting while driving, there are reports that the message has not been getting through to teenagers!

The popularity of mobile devices have some unintended and even dangerous consequences. The use of phones either calling or texting has been linked to a significant increase in distracted driving, resulting in injury and even loss of life.

Watch this dramatic and heart wrenching PSA created to help persuade people to not text and drive. It has become an epidemic in our society, and so many people have paid the consequences of looking down for only a second. Hopefully this video will make you think twice next time you decide to look down and check your phone while you are driving.

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Her Dog Started Acting Strange Then Days Later Died. The Reason Is This Everyday Household Item!

This video is so important for every dog owner to watch. Many people know about the dangers of ingesting chocolate and other more common foods. The dog in this video got into a pack of Sugar free gum. His behavior was becoming erratic. Her owners found the empty pack of gum and rushed her to the vet.

The gum and many other sugar free foods contain the sugar substitute, Xylitol. This substance is extremely toxic to dogs. It lowers their blood sugar level rapidly, and if vomiting isn’t induced, this dog and many others would have died quickly of insulin shock hypoglycemia. If that didn’t kill her, she would have died of liver damage caused by this toxin within 24-48 hours.

Pass on this video, as Xylitol needs to be checked on many foods you may be ingesting, and so few people know about this. Even a small amount spilled from yogurt and lapped up by your dog could be deathly. So care needs to be taken to be sure dogs never ingest this toxin, because the disastrous repercussions occur so rapidly.

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They Sprayed This Bicycle With a Special Paint. When The Sun Went Down It Transformed Into THIS

LifePaint is a new technology developed by Volvo to keep the roads safer for bikers at night. It should be used by everyone and has the potential to save 1,000’s of lives. LifePaint is a special reflective safety spray that is invisible during the day, but at night will light up and glow from a cars headlights.

Finally all the invisible bikers and pedestrians at night will be seen by oncoming traffic. Also, the paint washes off and will not change the color of the surface it is used on. Usually a layer of LifePaint will last for about a week.

Although it was initially designed for bikers, it can be used in many different ways. For instance, kids backpacks, clothes, wheelchairs, dog leashes and collars. This is truly a revolutionary idea. Would you use LifePaint? leave a comment below

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This Mom Is Recording Her Children When She Notices Something Terrifying! This Is Scary!

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When I gave birth to my children I followed all the child safety prescriptions to make my home “child-proof”.  Although, you can’t assure 100% safety, as accidents do occur, there are many things that are 100% preventable.

What you are about to hear about in the video below, was something I had never heard of when, my now grown children, were young.  I am really shaken by what I heard and saw on this footage, but it is something that should be seen by every parent, grandparent and really any person who ever have young children in their homes.

As my kids were growing up, I always joke that every time they moved I was there with the video camera.  So it was for the Walla family.  Mom, Nicky was filming her younger twins eating cereal off their walker trays, when suddenly the camera pans over to the window and you hear her let out a blood curdling scream.  Nicky sees her toddler son, Gavin, hanging from the window blind cord!  She ran to his rescue in time to save him.

Gavin is now in high school; he and his parents agreed to post this horrific video, since it had a happy ending, but more importantly for prevention purposes.  In watching this entire footage you will hear parents who were not as lucky, and about an industry that has been extremely negligent, when cordless, inexpensive blinds are available and ready for sale.  You will hear about what progress has been made, in terms of major retailers pledging to stop the sale of corded blinds, but that is still 3 years away!  Be sure to watch this story to the very end, so that you can ensure the safety of your and others’ children!

Please SHARE this important information with your friends and family on Facebook; it can save precious lives!

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