THIS Dad Found His Young Son With Some Disturbing Photos. His Explanation Sent Chills Up My Spine!

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Eleven year old James Leininger found out at an early age that he used to be James Huston, a World War II fighter pilot who died near the coast of Japan. The boy displayed a deep fascination for World War II fighter planes when he was a toddler by drawing numerous pictures of them, and flying them in simulators with skill.

He is recorded stating, “I can beat the Japanese as easy as pie.” James proved over and over again that he was genuinely familiar with the air crafts and their duties. The boy began having frequent night terrors to go along with his violent drawings of bombings. He would cry that “airplane crash on fire, little man can’t get out,” and act out the scene on his back with his legs kicking in the air.

When Andrea and Bruce Leininger, his parents, asked James who the little man was, James replied that it was him. He miraculously recalled what kind of plane he was in, and that it was shot down by the Japanese after taking off from a boat called Natoma. He even identified himself as James 3, the third James.

James Leininger hopes that by sharing his experience the world will be able to realize how precious life is. The family published a book with his stories, Soul Survivor, to help people understand how fast life can be taken from you, and to open their eyes to reincarnation. Whether you believe in a soul living many lives or not, it inspiring and thought provoking.

James’ tale begs the question, are you appreciating your life as if today could be your last?

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This Man Was Driving Down A Deserted Highway Late At Night. What He Saw I Still Have Chills!

Imagine driving down an empty highway late at night and all alone. All of a sudden up ahead you see large orange cones set up in the middle of each traffic lane. A dark car is pulled off on the shoulder and two shadowy figures stand around. There are no lights or hazards on and no other cars are close-by. As you drive up and ask what is going on one of the men approaches the car and begins to reach into his pocket! What would you do next?

One man caught this exact scene on his dashboard camera and uploaded it to YouTube for the world to witness. Ivan Tukhtin, a car enthusiast, was driving home on Highway 78 late one night from Hoboken, New Jersey with his camera rolling. He suddenly came across the random roadblock and slowed down.

He described his interaction with the two people in an online forum writing, “I didn’t want to hit him so I called him over to my car…and then he reached for his pocket and I dipped and immediately called the cops.” He further added “people are ****ing crazy, don’t trust anyone…i am kind of curious of what he would have done though.”

Tukhtin did what any smart and sane person who values their life would have done in that situation. Even if the people were having car issues it does not excuse the sketchy way they forced the driver to stop, in the middle of the highway, in the dark, late at night, with no hazards on to warn him or hint at possible car problems.

Police later announced that they had arrested the two men in connection with the fake roadblock and charged one with drunk driving and the other with hindering traffic. This story could have ended on a more sinister note had the driver decided not to take off when he did. We will never know what may have happened that night, but thankfully we do know the driver is safe now.

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He Touches This Strange Frog He Discovered In His Home. The Frog’s Reaction WOW!

As a kid, I used to love playing with frogs, which were everywhere around the wooded area of my home. They never seemed resistant to being held, and the feeling of their little feet on the palm of my hands, is a great memory!

However frogs, which are part of the amphibian group, are a diverse species of nearly 4,800 different types. When a frog grows to adulthood, they typically have a rounded central body without a tail, bulging eyes, a cleft tongue and legs that fold underneath them. All of these characteristics are most probably adaptations that protect them through camouflage and enhanced vision, from other animals and humans.

The frog that you are about to watch in the VIDEO below, is unlike any I played with as a kid. It somehow made it’s way into this person’s house. As you will see, there is one other way that frogs have of frightening off perceived predators…watch as this human touches him!

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It Seems Like A Normal Forest. But When The Ground Begins To Move WOW!

Imagine walking through the woods on a cool, windy day. You look around and take all the sights in, from the trees above to the floor below. As you head through the trees you carefully step over dead branches and jutting roots, then you notice something odd and out of place.

What should be still, solid, stable ground is anything but that. Instead, the Earth all around you is heaving and moving slowly, like it’s alive or possessed by something. That would really freaky and weird, right? For one man, this was reality.

Brian Nuttall captured footage and evidence of his strange walk through the woods this past Halloween, when the weakened remnants of Hurricane Patricia were passing through Nova Scotia, Canada. He had been walking through the forest in Apple River when he came upon the peculiar sight.

In the video he shot the ground appears to be alive and “breathing,” it heaves up and down, and steadily moves around. Mr. Nuttall shared the video he captured with with the Facebook page We Love Nova Scotia. Since it was posted, the clip has quickly caught people’s attention and imagination, and many have offered a variety of explanations for the breathing ground.

The unique forest floor activity has been described as everything from eerie and supernatural to unbelievable and quite unusual. It’s definitely abnormal and it raises a lot of questions, the main one being; what the heck is happening here? Mr. Nuttall put forth his own theory for the movement, centered around the strong winds blowing at the time.

He wrote in the comments, “I believe the larger trees are doomed to blow down but are currently spared, the smaller trees around them help hold each other up, as the wind pushes the trees into one another. The punishing prevailing winds have taken their toll on the side hill, the roots have loosened and the mossy ground from the once shaded forest floor are giving way, soon to be toppled over.”

His explanation seems to be the most logical and plausible one. Plus, he was the only witness present at the time and actually saw everything else near the moving area, so he is in the best position to make an educated guess. That doesn’t mean others haven’t put forth their own viewpoints and theories as to what could possibly be causing the ground to “breathe.”

Some people believe it to be the work of aliens or some type of supernatural entity that lives below the ground, and maybe it’ waking up. More scientific oriented explanations center around the possibility of there being water under the ground. Nova Scotia borders the Atlantic Ocean, so a few people posited that it could even be salty ocean water that’s to blame.

Then there are those who believe that it may be a sinkhole that’s beginning to form. And of course, as with every video that seems too strange and cannot be clearly explained right away, there is the crowd who say that the video is faked and photo-shopped.

Regardless of whatever may be causing the strange ground movement, it’s an awesomely weird sight to see. Check it out for yourself and then decide what you think it is…

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As Soon As This Strange Fish Opens His Mouth Starts Making THIS Sound I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Many a little fish has inspired the human mind to create weird and wonderful things. If you have ever played the classic Super Mario Brothers Nintendo game then you should know all about the flying fish in certain levels. They were to be avoided at all costs and if they hit Mario or Luigi you’d lose a life and have to re-start the level.

Then there are those quirky animatronic talking fishes which look like a real mounted game fish, but are actually fake and made out of rubber. The motion activated “trophy” comes to life and flops around while singing a song whenever someone walks by.

Now there is a new strangely entertaining fish making a splash on the internet. The little aquarium fish is a natural born star as it appears to sing along to a song called “Zerem Treska.” The upbeat tune is in Slovak and the translation given for it on the YouTube link and other sites is a bit confusing.

Apparently, the lyrics point to the fish singing a song about its hero, a big sea fish with swag, which is most likely a Cod fish. This assumption comes from the fact that “Treska” is the Slovak word for Cod. In fact, Cod is the main ingredient in a popular Slovak salad which is made out of the white fish and mayonnaise.

The big mouthed star of the video appears to be a type of suckerfish. They are a popular variety of aquarium fish because of their strange looking behavior when they feed on algae in a tank. The fish attaches its mouth to the inside of the glass and stays suspended there for hours or even days at a time.

Their big-lipped mouths form a suction cup which securely attaches them to whatever it is they are sucking on, and usually that is anything with algae present on it. Whatever is happening in this video, it is pure mindless entertainment at its best.

It definitely is reminiscent of the “Narwhals, Narwhals swimming in the ocean!” song and is just as catchy. When it’s all said and done, the random and strange video fits in perfectly among all of the countless other wild and zany things you can find on the internet!

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He Plays With A Very Strange Friend. Once I Realized It Was The Most Unexpected Surprise!

Friendship between humans and animals has been occurring since the dawn of humanity, but every once in a while, a friendship comes along that is so unusual you just have to see it to believe it. The boy in this video has built such a close friendship with this stingray that it seems to enjoy letting him pet it and even eats out of his hand!

Stingrays come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making up the eight families of stingray species.  The largest species is the manta ray, which is part of the eagle ray family. They can be over 20 feet wide and weigh close to 3,000 pounds!

The stingray in this video is most likely not a manta ray, as it lacks the distinctive cephalic fins near the mouth that make the manta look like it has horns, earning it the name sea-devil or devilfish in some parts of the world.

Stingrays are rarely aggressive, but many species do have a poisonous stinger that is most often used in defense when the ray is threatened. This happens most often for humans when they inadvertently step on one. Here’s a helpful tip: if you are wading in shallow ocean water where stingrays are known to live, walk with a shuffling step and you will likely scare them away instead of stepping on them!

Do you have any interesting stingray stories? What do you think about this amazing friendship? Let us know..

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