Mom Puts Her Daughter’s Hair Into Three Ponytails. But The End Result Is a STUNNING Surprise!

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Kamri, a sweet young teen and her mom, are YouTubers of the Cute Girl’s Hairstyles (CGH) channel.  Rather than their videos being a vanity laden thing, they kind of bring me back to the good old days, of my mom doing my hair.  It always felt relaxing…it was “our time”.  The results weren’t quite as beautiful as these creations, which really are little works of art.

There is nothing fresher and more appealing than a stunning braid, and Kamri really appreciates her mom’s artistry; she wears the outcome with a bounce in her step and big smile on her face.  The technique is done in a step-by-step fashion, making it easy to follow, if you would like to try this with your daughter or a friend.

Mom starts with separating Kamri’s beautiful long hair into 3 pony tails, and then shows you the few basic steps of twisting the hair that gets repeated over and over, until the grand finale…the “Triple-Flip Combo” braid, that will stun you after 5 minutes.  Check out the video below and let us know if you will try it.

Let us know how yours comes out!

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Video – THIS Huge Husky Wakes Up This Boy With The Most Unexpected Surprise!

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Waking up in the morning can be very difficult if you’re not a morning person. It’s not only people who have a hard time with it, lots of animals also struggle with getting out of their warm, soft, comfortable beds. If you happen to dread rising and shining in the am, then you’ll understand exactly how this boy and his dog feel.

In the short clip a mother is trying her best to encourage her young son to scoot out of bed so he can get ready for school. She cheerfully tells him that it’s time to wake up but his sleeping companion, a beautiful large Husky, is hearing none of it.

The big sleepy puppy grumpily moans and whimpers in protest, and defiantly moves to get even more comfortable by sprawling out across the boy’s body. Every time mom tries to pull back the blankets the dog quickly grabs them with his teeth and yanks them back into place. He’s definitely NOT a morning dog!

This Husky has a mind of his own and isn’t afraid to sass back at mom. It makes you wonder if this is a daily occurrence because he readily responds and doesn’t shy away in the least. All the while the kid just giggles and laughs at his silly friend’s mini tantrum.

If being absolutely adorable could get this pair out of waking up, they would definitely have succeeded!

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Two Sisters Ran Their Mom Over With A Car. The Reason Left Me In Tears!

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You are about to see two sisters tell you a story that changed their lives forever. You often hear stories about a mother’s primal instinct to protect her children, but it is rare that you hear it in such a dramatic and powerful way. The saying, “everything in life, is minutes and seconds…”, was the first thing that came to mind as I tried to fully comprehend what had happened; it is often the most unexpected random occurrence that has an impact such as this one.

Fate sometimes deals people a terrible hand, but it is what they do with tragedy, that makes all the difference.
Chloe and Annie Veron chose to tell their story in an unusual way, that you will see makes the impact of their words all the more resonant.

They describe a moment where they and their younger brother, nearly lost their lives in a tragic accident, and the far-reaching implications of their mother’s instincts. I am in awe of a love that transcends all thought of one’s own safety; of how their mother sacrificed herself, so that they are here to explain how her actions changed their family’s life forever.

You will be brought to tears and be moved beyond imagination by the incredible courage, strength and survival of a family that are forever bonded by love, devotion and gratitude.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think about this story!

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If Mom Makes The Shot Her Kid Gets Half Off Her Tuition. Mom Misses But Watch The Ball Closely!

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Half court shots are extremely difficult to make, even for professionals and people who have spent a fair amount of time practicing them. That’s why they are often used as hurdles to clear in order to win a big prize.

The average person would be very lucky to make such a shot, which is often made even more difficult by the fact that a large crowd of onlookers is watching very closely. The odds are so stacked against the shot taker that it almost always guarantees they’ll miss it, yet it’s inevitable that a few lucky ones somehow manage to sink the basket.

Angela Ramey was one of the lucky ones. Her and her nine year old daughter Grace won a school fundraiser after they pulled in the most money for Kids Against Hunger, a charity which helps serve local food shelters.

Their reward was the opportunity to take a half court shot that if they made would win them a free half a years worth of tuition to Grace’s school, Bethany Academy.

Both mother and daughter tried, and failed, to make the shot before Angela was given a third and final attempt at it. Footage captured the moment she lined up with the basket and let the ball fly, à la granny-style. Sadly, it appeared to have sailed through the air and came up short as the ball landed on the ground.

At that point just about everyone in the gym, even Angela, thought it was over…but it wasn’t. The ball continued on after it hit the floor and bounced straight up and over the rim into the basket! Nothing but net!

The crowd went wild and Angela did a double take before Grace and her started happily screaming in excitement. What a fantastic shot and everyone’s reaction was just as entertaining. Perhaps in this case karma played a role.

According to the local news, the school collected more than 40,000 meals in the food drive, with Grace and her mother leading the way. All their hard work, dedication, and good deeds came back around to reward them in kind.

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Baby Elephant Is Trapped And Begging Mom For Help. But Wait Til’ You See Who Actually Rescues Him!

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Get ready to watch one of the sweetest, most precious moments captured on video.  A herd of elephants were trekking along when a little baby elephant gets stuck in a muddy waterhole.  Some people who were on a Wild Wings Safari, came upon the scene, while sightseeing.

This tiny little elephant is trying to pull himself out of the mud hole, but his little legs aren’t long enough and he doesn’t have the strength to get out on his own.  The mother elephant is trying to figure out how to help him by using her trunk.  She can’t seem to get a grip, so she gets into the hole for better leverage.  Still no luck!!  It’s just too slippery.

Then the baby cleverly walks over to a slightly drier edge of the waterhole, tries doing it himself again, but he still needs mama’s help.  She then gets another adult to lend his trunk to oust the youngster.  Finally SUCCESS!!  Such great problem solving for mom and babe alike!  Watch what happens after he gets out, still wobbly on those adorable little legs.

Enjoy this amazing footage! Let us know what you think!

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These Text Messages From Moms To Their Kids Are So Hilarious. Jimmy Can’t Stop Laughing!

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With the meteoric and widespread rise of cell phone usage has come an equally large and confusing disconnect, between the young people who have embraced it, and the older people who are doing their best to catch up and learn the new technology. Mothers in particular use texting as an easy way to keep in touch with their kids.

While some moms are tech savvy, others often have a difficult time figuring out how to send, type, and interpret messages. There are countless issues they encounter with the ever evolving lingo and shorthand kids use in texts, and it has led to some amusing exchanges.

Which leads us to this video. Late Night TV host Jimmy Fallon sometimes goes on twitter and sends out a hashtag asking people to tweet back things based on that topic. He recently tweeted #momtexts looking for people to share funny, weird, or embarrassing cell phone texts that their mothers sent.

The response was immense and so many tweeted back that it quickly became a worldwide trending topic within just 20 minutes of posting. Below are a few of the responses he received and for more hilarious #momtexts watch the video!

– MRsCruZThompS- My mom texted me, “Aunt Mary died. Lol.” She thought lol meant “lots of love.”

– JesseMentz- My mom couldn’t figure out punctuation so she would type it out: “how are you question mark.”

– Thereal_kahg; My mom texted me, “Hello son. This message took me 10 min to type.”

– HollyLouHarris; On Valentine’s Day last year, my mom texted me, “Enjoy your VD.”

– PmortSupreme; My mom once texted my phone at home saying, “Hey you forgot your phone at home.”

– bailey_witt – When I send my mom anything remotely funny, she replies “C.L.A.H.”–Cackle Like A Hen.

Enjoy the video below this will totally make your day!

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