Baby Elephant Tries Hard To Take A Bath On His Own. But Then His Mom Shows Up And Does THIS

Some kids love bath time, and others put up a fuss. The baby in the video you are about to watch below, is really into getting clean. He is doing everything in his power to get all of his 660 pounds into his small tub! This little guy is trying his absolute hardest to take the best bath ever.

The baby is one-year-old Navann, a baby elephant who is just adorable. He is so smart and patient in his endeavor to fit himself into the tub, that is a bit too confined for his frame. He works and works at it. At one point he has all 4 legs in and starts wetting himself with his trunk.

Navann wants to be completely immersed in the tub, but just can’t quite get all the parts under water. You will find yourself both giggling at his efforts and rooting him on, to keep on trying. Even though he looks too big for the tub, you have no idea how tiny he is until his mom arrives on the scene.

Clearly she’s not as patient as Navann…

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Mom Is Baffled When She Finds Anti-Diarrhea Meds In Her Son’s Room. But The Reason Is Scary!

Drug dependency to opiates has become an epidemic in the US.  Teenagers, in particular, have increased use of heroine (as it has become so inexpensive) as well as prescription pain killers, in order to get high.  Physical addiction to opiates can occur within daily use in one week’s time!

There is a new trend that has recently been revealed, that is both surprising, and extremely dangerous.  The anti-diarrheal medication, Immodium, has an active ingredient called Loperamide.  When taken in very large doses it will stimulate the same high as heroine or prescription opiates.

This replication of a heroin-like high, has teenagers buying Immodium in large quantities…abusers are taking anywhere between 50-300 pills per day!  The recommended dosage for diarrhea is 2 pills, to give you a perspective of what people are putting into their bodies in order to reach the high they want.

As mothers have been discovering boxes of Immodium in their teens’s rooms, awareness about this trend has come to the fore.  The video you are about to watch below discusses this extremely dangerous trend, which can not only wreak havoc on the digestive tract, but cause heart damage and even death!  Increasing parental awareness about this trend, so that they can be on the lookout for this medication amongst your child’s things, is extremely important.  There have already been multiple deaths reported as a result of this new drug “fad”.

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Mom Was Filling Up The Pool When Her Baby Got Splashed and Started Crying. The Reason Is Scary!

Summer officially starts on June 20th but much of the country has already experienced extremely high temperatures, especially in the Southwest region which is currently in the midst of a heat wave. Cities all across America will soon all be under the heat of a long summer,

When the thermostat is soaring people turn to all sorts of different things to beat the heat. They stay indoors and out of the sun, crank the air conditioning, drink lots and stay hydrated, and play in the water. Nothing cools you down faster like jumping in a pool can and floating around in the refreshing water is just about the most relaxing thing you can do on a super-hot day.

Residents in and around Phoenix, Arizona, aka the hottest city in America, know the simple joys a dip in the pool can bring. About a week ago Dominique Woodger, a mother who lives in San Tan Valley, Arizona, decided to set up a small kiddie pool for her 9 month old baby boy.

It was extremely hot outside and she thought her son would enjoy a nice cooling dip. She took him outside with her, grabbed the garden hose, and started to fill the pool up when she heard her son crying.

She told the local news station KNXV that at first “I thought he was crying because he was mad. He hates when he gets sprayed in the face.” However, after checking on her baby to see what was the matter she was shocked to find that his tiny body was covered with red, blistering skin. Realizing the seriousness of the situation she rushed him to the hospital where she later found out he’d suffered second-degree burns on over 30% of his body.

The water from the garden hose that Dominique accidentally sprayed on her son was what caused his burns. When a hose sits in the sun and the temperature is 115 degrees outside, close to what it was on the day Woodger’s son was injured, the water inside of it can reach temperatures as high as 150 degrees.

According to Phoenix Fire Department Captain Larry Subveri, it takes only about 10 seconds of exposure to waters at that temperature for a person to develop second-degree burns, and for a young infant, even less time.

Woodger is speaking out about what happened to her son in order to warn others about the hidden risk and to urge parents to be extra careful when turning the water on outside in the heat. Water trapped inside the hose can easily become super-heated and most people don’t stop to think about this, or even realize it, before it’s too late.

Test the water temperature first before letting any young children near it, and please pass this warning along to help spread the word. Stay safe!

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Mom Was Really Nervous Before Her Ultrasound. But What The Doctor Noticed Is Super Rare!

For first-time parents, seeing the images of their baby in utero, is both exciting and a bit scary.  All expectant parents are concerned that their child is developing normally.   Technicians and doctors point out the different body parts of the child, and often parents really can’t tell what they are watching on the screen.

Well, this expectant mom and dad didn’t have to pretend AT ALL, that what they were being told to look at, was comprehensible to them.  This is their 14-week ultrasound; their baby is growing healthfully in mom’s womb.  As all parents they are tremendously relieved to hear this good news.

However, what happens next is beyond belief.  None of the professional staff  had every seen a baby do anything like this during an ultrasound.  The unborn child makes it perfectly clear to everyone that it is not only healthy, but quite Happy in the womb.

Get ready for a fantastically unexpected and unique moment that gets accompanied by a song by the giddy parents…This baby’s got moves!

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Baby Begins Crying For Help. What They Caught On Camera Next Is An Unexpected Surprise!

When it comes to emotional bonds, there is nothing stronger than a mother’s love for her child. Moms will do anything to make their children happy and keep them safe. Sometimes it’s like they have a 6th sense for knowing what their kids are up to and how they are feeling.

This isn’t just limited to human mothers, it can be seen in actions and behaviors across practically every animal species all around the world. Take for example fruit bats. When one mother fruit bat somehow became separated from her baby she vigilantly kept up her search for the poor youngster.

Luckily, a local Singaporean animal charity called ACRES came across the stranded baby and helped it out. The youngster had been lost and on its own for at least 2 hours and the group believed that its mother was still close by and around somewhere.

They moved the tiny bat to an open, outdoor, protected place where its mother could more easily locate it, and then stepped back and waited for her to come. The group was correct in their assumption and the lost bats mother came very quickly once they relocated it.

Bats are blind and so the mother had to rely on the babies cries to locate it, and this mother took just a minute or two to track it down. In the clip you can see the adorable tiny bat crying out for help and its mother, then moments later she swoops down and envelops her baby in her wings.

The pair maneuver around and it looks like the youngster is having trouble flying. That’s when mom rolls over and hooks her baby onto her, then she takes off and the pair fly away into the night! The poor mother fruit bat was probably worried sick about the lost baby and was looking for it the whole time during the two hours they were apart.

It all makes for a wonderful story, complete with a happy, feel-good ending. The video is further testament to the undeniable love and connection between mothers and their babies. Watch the video below and enjoy the wonders of nature!

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Pregnant Mama Elephant Gives Birth To A Baby. Now Keep Your Eyes On The Right Side Of The Screen!

This is a story of what the power of loving care did for an orphaned elephant named Emily.  She was taken in, after losing her mother, by the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya.  Defenseless on her own, baby Emily was nurtured in this safe environment, until she was ready to be released back into the wild.

She was well-prepared to live out the remainder of her life as an adult. The caretakers were sad to see Emily go, but felt they had given her the chance she needed to eventually have a family of her own, of which she had been deprived, due to the loss of her family at such a young age.

One day, on December 23, 2014, an astoundingly heartwarming and unusual event occurred. The caretakers of the wildlife trust, who never thought they would lay eyes on their  beloved Emily again, were shocked at what occurred. Without any human enticement or help, Emily appeared at the place where she had been cared for when she so badly needed it.

The reason for her appearance?  She came to give birth to her calf amongst the people who, not only saved her, but brought her up to be an elephant who could survive on her own.  The birth of her baby daughter, Emma, is captured in this beautiful video.

Not only were her caretakers at the Trust deeply moved that she found her way back for this momentous occasion in her life, but the herd gathered around her, to help her and her sweet newborn calf, after the birth.  The miracle of birth is always something wonderful to behold.

After you watch this outstanding video let us know your thoughts and feelings about this touching story of the incredible cycle of life.  This majestic footage is worth watching  several times. I hope you enjoy it as much I did and pass it on to your loved ones!

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