Apparently Scientists Say THIS Is Why You Should Never Make Your Bed Again!


Image via: Shutterstock

From an early age most of us are taught to make the bed after we wake up and before we begin our day. The practice helps parents to establish routine and responsibility in young children and it’s often something that sticks with people all throughout their lives. Plus, for some people making the bed makes it less likely that they will crawl back into it, and it tidies up the entire room instantly. However, scientists are now saying that this age old practice is not only unnecessary, but it could also be making us a lot less healthy.

It all comes down to the millions of unseen dust mites that live in our beds. The bizarre, alien looking critters feed on the dead skin flakes that fall off our bodies and into our beds. This makes mattresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, and whatever else you have on your bed the perfect breeding ground for the microscopic creatures. Since people sleep for long hours in bed, their bedding takes up moisture from the prolonged body contact, and that also allows the dust mites to survive and reproduce.

Now scientists are recommending an easy and effective way to cut down on the number of dust mites in your bed, simply leave it unmade. Dr. Stephen Pretlove spoke to the BBC and explained that “We know that mites can only survive by taking in water from the atmosphere using small glands on the outside of their body. Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die.” In turn, less dust mites can lead to better health since they often cause the asthma and allergies which many people suffer from. Plus, who wants to share their bed, a place of coziness and warmth, with millions of freaky little bugs?

The next time you wake up, skip making the bed and save yourself an extra minute or two. There is nothing to lose and potentially lots to gain by doing so, because you can only end up healthier, and thus happier. Please share this information with others so they can lean about the science and benefits of an unmade bed!

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Disabled Homeless Man Falls To The Ground and No One Helps. But Then I Can’t Hold Back The Tears

A social experiment in New York City displays the tendencies of the general public regarding giving assistance to strangers based on their appearance. A black suited man, staged with crutches, walks the streets and periodically falls to find out if passers by will help him back up. Without hesitation, there is consistently someone, if not several people, who stop their trajectory to aid the injured and fallen businessman to his feet. They respectfully call him sir as they lend their hand and ask if he is alright.

A different observation is made with a man who is dressed in dirty, tattered clothing. The seemingly homeless fellow hobbles along the street on crutches, tripping many times to take hard blows onto the sidewalk. Surrounding witnesses gape at the man in dismay, but do nothing in the way of offering help.

Some people just stare and slowly walk away, while others are oblivious to the struggle and avoid the obstacle in front of them by walking around. No one even asks the man if he is okay.

There is one person who immediately responds to the wounded hobo and it is another homeless person sitting against a building on the sidewalk. With obvious sympathy and concern, the man leaves his collection cup unattended to make sure the distressed vagabond is not in need of serious attention.

The consoler guides the consoled to standing and helps him gather his belongings before he continues on his way. The story ends with a perfect quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”

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Mama Brings Her Baby Girl The Family Cat For The First Time. Her Reaction Is Priceless.

This baby’s reaction to the family cat just might be proof that everything could possibly be alright. At first, this looks like just another video of someone’s baby, but then it starts to get interesting. Mom brings the cat over, and the baby sees her coming from a mile away. As she begins to get an idea that kitty is coming to play, you can see a twinkle in her little eye and a grin tugging at her lips. Within moments, she is smiling from ear to ear in anticipation.

But it doesn’t stop there! The fun is just beginning as the cat gets closer and closer, with a mirrored smile turning into laughter and outright glee. This is one happy baby who loves the cat with all her might. Just in case you weren’t completely certain that this baby is completely and unequivocally smitten by this kitten, she continues to lose it over the cat the entire time kitty is in her precious presence. Her cuteness is off the charts, unable to be measured by any human standards.

Sometimes cuteness reaches such a massive scale, but it is a rare and sacred occurrence. When it does, its vastness cannot be understood by the feeble human mind. Instead, all we can hope to do is bask in the eternal glory of the peerless cuteness. We are bathed in its ethereal beauty, and our very core beams with its tender warmth. Our hearts sing with glory of angels as the cuteness sweeps over us, lifting us into the heavens of cute where hypoallergenic kittens and puppies melt all hearts into one.

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Rude Crowd Disrespects THIS Tomb. How The Guard Reacts To Them Is EPIC

There is something really awe-inspiring about viewing the changing of the guard at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA.  It takes place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which is commemorated to the men and women who gave their lives for the United States, and died without their remains being identified.

The changing of the guard is an austerely choreographed series of steps and movements that  include the juxtaposition of the soldier’s rifle.  The actions of the soldier alternate between sharp sounds and silence.  The silence is both an act of respect for the fallen soldiers, and required for the majesty of the movements.

After each change is finished, the ceremony goes on, alternating between regimented walking and stillness.   Salutation of the tomb occurs before the soldiers fall into step, after replacing the sentinel who finishes his duty.  This exchange goes on throughout the day, as the monument is always guarded.

Being a guard is taken quite seriously by those who are honored to do the job.  They expect silence by visitors who come to watch the ceremony.  On the particular day, that you are about to watch on the video below, the visitors did not follow the required rules of silence.  Watch what happens as they rudely disregard the seriousness of viewing this cemetery.  They clearly get the message from the guard, who is astounded by the lack of respect.  Let us know what you think about this most unexpected moment.

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VIDEO: When Their Favorite Teacher’s Hearse Pulls Up His Students Do Something Totally Unexpected!

Amazing teachers who work hard to truly affect and change the lives of their pupils are hard to come by. Dawson Tamatea was one of the few who impacted his students and achieved such results. He worked at Palmerston North Boy’s High School in New Zealand as a math and physical education teacher. Mr. Tamatea’s career began back in 1986 when he first started at the school and continued all the way up to the present until he recently passed away.

Upon his passing, the all boys school was closed for half a day so that the staff and students could be present at his funeral. Hundreds of people including many alumni gathered at the cemetery to honor and remember their beloved teacher. When the hearse arrived the boys stood ready to perform a haka as a final farewell to Mr. Tamatea.

Their tribute was the traditional ancestral war cry of the Maori people who live in New Zealand. It is known as a haka which is an ancient ritual that involves energetic movements, stomping feet, and clapping hands, all in rhythm to the shouts of the war cry.

The sight and sound of all the boys performing the haka for their teacher is powerful, loud, and moving. The emotional scene is clear proof that Mr. Tamatea was a legendary mentor, friend, and teacher in the eyes of everyone gathered there to bid him one final farewell that day.

The school originally posted the video on their YouTube channel PNBHS, and wrote “We are extremely proud of our boy’s performance and we know that Mr. Tamatea would be too.” After viewing their haka tribute, one can only agree with the school’s statement, those boys should be nothing but proud of their moving and traditional final presentation.

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This 81 Year Old Guy Finds A Guitar In The Music Store. The Song He Plays With It Blew Me Away!

What is amazing is that we are amazed by the elderly man in the video below!  He walks into a music store and picks up a guitar and…he plays impressively! Why are we so amazed? The answer unfortunately lies in the way that our society sees aging.  Rather than seeing the elderly as older versions of themselves, we see them as people who are disappearing.

We used to have extended families, where grandparents helped us with our young.  More than one family often lived under one roof, and each generation took care of each other reciprocally.  Today we are amazed when an elderly person can do anything, let alone doing what the gentleman in this video does.

Clearly he played guitar, whether professionally or as a talented amateur.  This guy’s got chops!  Not only does he play fluidly, but he feels the music just as he did when he was a younger man.  We are all going to grow older, and it is time we took a healthier and more respectful view of those who grow old before us.

With good health we can go on to continue to be contributing members of society.  The man you are about to watch does a good job at counteracting our stereotypes. His name is Bob Wood and he is 80 years young!

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