She Was Upset Her Dad Refused To Do a Speech At Her Wedding. What He Did Instead Made Her Cry!

This video is deeply touching to anyone who understands the precious relationship of a father and daughter. A man is given a baby girl and his whole life is changed for the better. What he provides for that little girl as she grows is invaluable. Daddy’s princess matures into a beautiful woman and the day comes when he has to let her go. On her big day, it is customary for fathers to walk their daughters down the aisle and literally hand her off to her new man.

Dad and daughter also typically enjoy a dance together at the wedding reception, and he might even prepare a few words to speak to the treasured couple. In the case of Nicole Cortez, her father was not interested in speeches. T

he man wanted to do something special that would say more than he could say with his own prose. Since Nicole was a sign language interpreter, her father had a grand idea that would mean the world to her.

He spent the entire year of her engagement learning how to sign the perfect message to his daughter, which was a meaningful country song called I Loved Her First. After the ceremony, Nicole’s pop confidently and sincerely presents his tribute to the beautiful bride and groom.

They are completely shocked and both brought to tears over the man’s impeccable performance, as dad signs the entire song with purposeful passion. The newlyweds will certainly remember their cherished day forever.

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This Cowboy Dad Catches His Daughter Dancing To Hip Hop. Now Watch His Reaction!

There are few forces in the universe as powerful as the love of a father for his daughter. For each of them, it is a relationship and special part of life that cannot be replicated. From the moment he first meets her, a father is wrapped around her tiny little finger, and there is nothing that he wouldn’t do for her.

A girl learns love, trust and confidence from her father, which helps guide her on her path as she becomes a woman. A man learns how to provide for, protect, love and let go of his little girl, teaching him valuable life lessons that make him a better man.

When the video begins, it just seems like any other girl filming herself dancing to hip hop, but everything changes when her cowboy father sees her and steps up to the plate. His first few steps are not quite on, as he tries his best to synchronize with her.

Pretty soon, he is dancing so well it seems like they have been practicing together for weeks. He flawlessly whips and naenae’s at just the right time, with impeccable style and a heart full of love. Every father-daughter relationship is like a dance.

As each person moves, the other does their best to move in a way that is complimentary, but it isn’t always easy, and sometimes it doesn’t look pretty. But in the end, both people learn things about themselves and the other person that inform their growth together and as individuals. Tell us about your reaction to this video in the comments.

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Dad and Daughter Were Parasailing Over The Ocean. What They Caught On Cam Is An Unexpected Surprise!

For one father and daughter, what began as a leisurely parasailing adventure quickly turned into a bird’s eye view of something few ever get the chance to see! While they are flying high, they notice a huge number of what look like small dots just under the surface of the water. The driver of the boat notices as well, and lines them up for the perfect video shot. As they are lowered back towards the boat, the “small dots” become a massive group of enormous stingrays!

What you are witnessing is likely the migration of the poisonous golden cow-nosed stingray, which gets its name from the two horn-like protuberances at the front of their bodies, which can be seen in the video if you look closely. Twice a year, they migrate through the Gulf of Mexico for feeding and mating.

Each stingray can be over 6 feet wide, and there may be up to 10,000 rays in this group! Stingrays, although many are poisonous to humans, are docile creatures. They attack only when threatened, usually when stepped on.

They are more likely to be threatened by their relatives the sharks, who also happen to be their main predator. And you thought your family was rude! Let us know what you think about this incredible video in the comments.

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This Father Kicked His Daughters Out Of Their Room For 3 Days. When They Saw Why They Lost It!

Adam Hadlock describes himself as a “Garage-mahal-architect-builder, Maker, Do-er.” After watching his DIY bedroom treehouse, you’ll agree. Adam Hadlock is a dad that has created a bedroom for his girls that could only be imagined in a child’s dreams! The fact that he spun his magic in only three days makes it all the more fantastical. He turns their bedroom into a tree house, playroom and phenomenal sleep space that will make the sharing of this room a memory that his kids will treasure forever.

Dad put all his love and creativity into this delightful Christmas present. His talent and devotion to his kids is nothing short of amazing. One can only hope that he uses his imagination and building skills into a business where he can create environments like this for other children. Be sure to watch this video to the end.

Not only will you be enthralled with the finished product, but your hearts will be warmed by his presentation of the remodeled bedroom to his girls. Their squeals of joy and comments like “you must really love us” make the reveal of what this devoted dad has created all the more enjoyable. Can you imagine the memories these kids will carry with them for the rest of their lives?

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Shy Dad Didn’t Want To Dance But His Daughter Insists, So He Surprises Everybody and Does THIS

There is nothing better than a father-daughter dance.  Whether it’s at a wedding, Bat Mitzvah or just a special birthday, everyone watching just goes “Awwww”.  This young girl was having a very special celebration of her 12th birthday.  She and her dad get on the dance floor to the heart-pulling strains of “My Girl”, while friends and family enjoy the heartwarming scene.  When the song ends and more up-to-date pop music begins to play Jessica’s dad shyly starts to leave the dance floor.

He seems too self-conscious to continue to dance when the radio tunes begin.  Jessica cajoles him into staying to dance with her, when suddenly the DJ starts a series of pop classics that suddenly transforms this seemingly shy old-fashioned pop into a guy with some impressive moves.

Watch as they surprise everyone with their choreography.  It’s fun and so heartwarming that Jessica took the time to practice this with her goofy loving dad.  They’re so proud of each other! What a great celebration of their relationship!

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Daddy Confronts His Daughter About The 4 Missing Cupcakes In The Kitchen. Her Defense Is Hysterical.

Little kids love sweet treats. It doesn’t matter the type, whether it be candy, ice cream, cupcakes, or cookies, they will eat it right up. It’s no secret that many young ones often go to great lengths in order to get their tiny hands on a delicious, sugar-filled snack and the little girl in this video is no exception!

Apparently her father, Macario Aegeus, noticed that there was more than one cupcake missing in the kitchen and so he decided to confront the likely culprit, his young daughter! But instead of simply asking her about it, he turned the whole thing into an investigation of sorts. What he captured on tape is one of the cutest, most adorable things ever!

The clip starts off with him asking his daughter if she’s “aware that we’ve had several cupcake thefts?” to which she readily admits taking 4 of them. That’s when he tells her that she’s going to go to jail for her crime, but before he can cuff her she runs off! He immediately gives chase, setting off a game of cops and robbers, as the two run all around the house. As he’s pursuing his daughter he pretends to radio in and gives a hilariously cute description of his little suspect and the play by play action that’s unfolding.

Words don’t quite do this clip justice, you just have to see it to understand how awesome this little game turned out to be. It’s one of the most fun, sweet, and all around entertaining ways that a father could play with his little girl!

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