He Starts Throwing Buckets Of Food Into The Water. Seconds Later The Most Unexpected Surprise!

When you’re a fish and live in the ocean or a river you have to constantly be on the lookout for your next meal. Whether it happens to be another fish, or a nice tasty worm, you take whatever you can get because there is just no way of knowing when you’re going to eat next.

When a human starts to throw a bunch of food in the water, you better eat that up as well. After all, a fish can only be so lucky to come across a feast, like the one in this video. In the clip a young man stands among 23 orange buckets that are fulled to the brim with fish food pellets.

He is at the edge of a pier or wooden dock next to a large body of water and a few other people mill about. The guy says something to the camera and then starts to pick up a bucket of food and flings its contents into the water. Immediately, a lot of fish start to chow down on the tasty treats and the water begins to churn once several more buckets of pellets are tossed in.

As more and more fish start fighting for the food the water begins to appear as if it is boiling from all the splashing and fish bodies flying around. Bucket after bucket after bucket of food gets tossed to the fishes and a humongous, and inevitable, feeding frenzy is soon under way.

While it is not clear where exactly this took place, or for what reason, it’s definitely a pretty wild sight to see all those fish feeding at once. They certainly got lucky, and what a great day it must have been to be a fish in those waters!

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This Girl Gets In Between A Pack Of Pit Bulls And Their Food. Now Watch Their Unexpected Reaction!

What do you think might happen if you put a four year old girl in between six male pit bulls and their dinner? That is the exact situation in which we find ourselves at the beginning of this video. Your first reaction might look or feel something like a cringe, and you might even close an eye or two as you wait for the inevitable horrible carnage that is sure to befall this girl.

After all, she is standing squarely in harm’s way, is she not? Does her mother not realize the immediate danger that threatens her young daughter? Forty pounds of flesh is nothing when you are a tight knit pack of full grown pit bulls.

They could have their dinner in mere seconds if they chose, and she could easily be removed at any moment. They could simply push her out of the way, bark and growl her into submission, or do something more dramatic.

Any way you look at it, she poses no threat to them, and the only way they are going to be held at bay by her tiny frame is if they choose to let her. What will they do? We have all heard the stories and seen the headlines about the supposed dangers of the pit bull breed.

Due to this notoriety, they are often left in shelters due to our collective fear. Is this fear warranted? If it is, what is the cause? Is it the fault of the genetics of the dogs themselves, or is it because of the way we tend to treat pit bulls and the situations in which we place them?

After watching this video, your answers to these questions just might change.

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After You Watch This You Will Never Cut Watermelon The Same Way Again!

There are many ways to cut a watermelon and some are a lot less messy than others. One of the biggest obstacles you face when carving up a ripe melon is all the water in it. The pink, juicy balls of deliciousness are rightly named water melons because approximately 92% of the fruit is water!

According to watermelon.org, it was because of their naturally super-high water content that early explorers used to use watermelons as canteens. However, all that water can make a mess when a melon is cut open and the juices run out all over the place. Then the knife starts slipping on the tough rind and before you know it you almost sliced a finger off.

People often try to avoid this cutting hazard by slicing the watermelon in half length-wise. The resulting upturned bowl, half-shell type of shape retains all the juices, but it also leads to another hazard; instability. Trying to cut a rocking, unbalanced chunk of melon is hard to do, and it’s just as hazardous to your health as cutting a slippery one.

So when life hands you watermelons, what is the best way to cut them up safely and cleanly? For starters, you need an innovative and different approach because none of the existing methods that people use to carve them work all that well.

That’s the logic that designers followed at an Italian company called Genietti. They came up with a neat and easy to use stainless steel watermelon slicer that they named Angurello. The tool cuts evenly and cleanly through the juicy fruit with just a bit of pressure and minimum effort on your part.

There are no razor sharp blades to deal with and all the juices stay contained within the melon. Once you make the cuts, you don’t even have to dig them out. The tool also doubles as a pair of tongs so you can handily grab the slices out of shell and serve them right away.

No mess, no stress, no cut fingers, and a whole melon sliced up perfectly in just seconds. Sounds too good to be true, but it’s real. Check it out and see for yourself how neat and easy life can be.

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She Wraps Raw Dough Around A Tinfoil Cone. The End Result Is An Unexpected Yummy Surprise!

Fact: Food served in a cone naturally tastes better than food not served in a cone. That statement has been independently verified by myself and is based off of the following information. Ice cream is great by itself, but when it’s packed into a crispy, airy, convenient to hold cone it becomes amazing.

There is something about the mechanics of food being ensconced in an edible cone-shaped holder that kicks the eating experience up a notch. Perhaps it’s because you have to work a little harder for a bite, so it’s more rewarding. Or maybe because the food is being presented to us in a visually different way our taste buds are tricked into thinking it tastes better.

Whatever the reason may be, there simply isn’t enough food being served in cones these days. The recipe below will show you how to make homemade bread cones that are perfect for stuffing with salads, rices, chicken, steak, or whatever other savory foods you like. The video also shows how to whip up some tasty Moroccan chicken salad, as well as the bread cones, so check it out and pass it on!

If you have the following ingredients on hand then you can make this recipe right away, they include: 1 lb of white flour, 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 tsp of salt, 3 tbsp of olive oil, 1 tbsp of instant yeast, 2 tbsp of dried milk, about a cup and a half of warm milk, tinfoil.

Combine all the dry ingredients in a large bowl, then pour in the oil and milk a little at a time, while mixing it as you go until a soft dough forms. Dust a large working surface with flour and knead the dough on it until it becomes soft and elastic. Take a bowl, coat it in oil, place the dough inside of it, cover with a kitchen towel, and allow the dough to rise for 30 minutes.

Take an approximately 10 inch square piece of tinfoil and fold it in half, then fold that in half again, so you end up making a smaller square. Pinch it into a cone shape by holding one corner of the foil square while folding another inwards, then pinch the top to make sure it holds the shape.

When the dough has risen release any air in it by gently punching it down. Divide it into 4 pieces and roll each one into ¼ inch thick rectangles, then cut the dough into half inch strips. Take the tinfoil cones and brush them with oil to prevent the dough from sticking, and wrap the strips around the cones like how you see in the video.

Place them on a baking sheet, brush with an egg wash, and bake at 375 degrees for 20-30 minutes or until they turn a golden brown. Let them completely cool before placing them in cups (to hold them steady) and fill them up with whatever you’d like!

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He Cracks An Egg Into Onion Rings. But When He’s Done The Most Unexpected Tasty Surprise!

Everyone loves to learn new and simple ways to get the same old things done. It can be fun and interesting to discover what nifty and quick solutions people have come up with to solve common problems. This video, from the HouseholdHacker YouTube channel, highlights 10 tricks for dealing with difficulties you may have encountered when cooking or bustling about in the kitchen.

The tastiest hack shown is the eggs and onion gourmet breakfast. Take an onion and cut out a couple of large circles, place them in a pan on medium heat, wait one minute and then crack an egg into each one. Cover the pan and cook for 3 minutes, then sprinkle on some salt and pepper.

The most useful trick for cookie lovers is to place a piece of bread into the container holding the treats. It will release moisture and keep the cookies softer for longer. Also included is a great way to reheat pizza on the stove top, which avoids the soggy, limp, microwaved effects of zapping it.

Heat up a burner on medium-high and place a pan on it. Once it’s heated up set the leftover pizza into the pan and cook for one minute, then flip and cook for another minute. The slices will come out crisper and as if they’d just been pulled out of the oven.

The most interesting alternative technique shown was cooking hard boiled eggs in the oven, which makes them not hard boiled at all, but they come out that way nonetheless. Heat the oven to 325 degrees, place the eggs on a tray, and put them in to cook for 30 minutes.

After you take the eggs out place them in a pan of cold water and allow to sit for a few minutes. Once they are cool you can eat them right away or store them in the refrigerator. There are six additional innovative and useful kitchen solutions covered in the video so be sure to check it out. And remember to share the knowledge because they may end up making life easier for you or someone you love!

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Mom Asks Her Baby To Say ‘Mama’ In Exchange For Some Food But The Dog Steps In First and Does THIS

Dogs are incredibly observant and learn quickly from the world around them. All day long they watch their surroundings and the people in their lives and interpret all the new things that they hear, see, taste, feel, and smell. Some dogs are so adept at picking up on signals and have such strong senses that they make ideal working dogs.

The smartest and brightest are molded into bomb, cadaver, or drug sniffers, guide dogs, K-9 officers, guard dogs, and other types of roles that serve highly specific purposes. Nonetheless, lots of dogs who aren’t trained or specialized can still be just as clever.

One such dog is the adorable and feisty canine in this short video clip uploaded to YouTube on the AFVApproved channel. It starts off with a mother trying to coax her toddler into saying “mama.” She has a plate of food nearby and holds some of it up on a fork as though she is offering it to the dog and infant who stand in front of her.

The mother’s attempt at encouraging her child to speak has definitely caught the dog’s attention as he whines and begs aloud for a tasty bite. Her baby stands beside the furry dog looking up at the camera, then back and forth at the dog, switching his attention between the lens and the pooch throughout the clip.

Her bribe does not end up working on the toddler but the eager dog is another story. After what sounds like a few attempts to say “mama” the dog actually ends up speaking the word successfully!

He caught on to what the mother wanted to hear and worked at saying it until he blurted it out! This family pet succeeded where the young child failed and definitely earned a bite of human food. He must have really wanted it and either way, how could you resist that face?

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