Two Baby Elephants Wandered Off and Got Lost. Their Reaction When They Find Mama Is Priceless!

These baby elephants got adventurous and meandered away from their family to check out the surroundings. Their excitement upon returning seems to imply that the double trouble may have been a little turned around whilst strolling the hood. The siblings noticeably quickened their pace to a full run once they recognized the safety of their mother, and not even a gushing stream could slow them from reaching their sanctuary.

Elephants are social creatures who have an interesting dynamic of community. Females spend their entire lives within a group of ten or more elephants which consists of several mothers and their offspring. The gang is governed by the oldest female until she is either to weak to reign or deceased, and then control is taken by the oldest daughter, even if the mother’s sister is present.

Families do interact with outside groups, forming clans of up to nine families who work together to protect their regions during harsh seasons. Adult male elephants live a more independent lifestyle. As they develop, males spend time on the outskirts of their group rather than being secured between matriarchs, and socialize with other males and families.

Around fourteen or fifteen years old, they spend the majority of their time away from their family and the adult females begin to act aggressively toward them, which pushes them to leave the nursing unit permanently. After their departure, males live as bachelors by themselves or in a group of other males.

Watch the adorable video below. It totally made my day. It’s the cutest thing I’ve seen all week. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Run little ones run!

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She Was Upset Her Dad Refused To Do a Speech At Her Wedding. What He Did Instead Made Her Cry!

This video is deeply touching to anyone who understands the precious relationship of a father and daughter. A man is given a baby girl and his whole life is changed for the better. What he provides for that little girl as she grows is invaluable. Daddy’s princess matures into a beautiful woman and the day comes when he has to let her go. On her big day, it is customary for fathers to walk their daughters down the aisle and literally hand her off to her new man.

Dad and daughter also typically enjoy a dance together at the wedding reception, and he might even prepare a few words to speak to the treasured couple. In the case of Nicole Cortez, her father was not interested in speeches. T

he man wanted to do something special that would say more than he could say with his own prose. Since Nicole was a sign language interpreter, her father had a grand idea that would mean the world to her.

He spent the entire year of her engagement learning how to sign the perfect message to his daughter, which was a meaningful country song called I Loved Her First. After the ceremony, Nicole’s pop confidently and sincerely presents his tribute to the beautiful bride and groom.

They are completely shocked and both brought to tears over the man’s impeccable performance, as dad signs the entire song with purposeful passion. The newlyweds will certainly remember their cherished day forever.

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This Tiny Kitten Was Terrified and Nervous In Her New House. Until The Dog Did THIS

We have all watched many cute videos of animals on the internet, but the only word for this one is blissful. This tiny little kitten, Rosie, found solace after her first shaky night in her new home. Usually that first night of transition is very stressful, particularly for baby animals, and so it was for Rosie.

Her owners noticed that she was sluggish and not responding to their attempts to comfort her. They came up with a unique idea, hoping to turn her around. They had a full grown husky, Lilo, who despite the fact that she had never had any puppies, had always displayed a strong maternal instinct.

It is probable that Rosie had just been taken from her mother, and had been nursing, so her instinct to snuggle up to Lilo is far less surprising than Lilo’s reaction. It is always a bit of a gamble when an adult animal of another species is approached for comfort and care.

It certainly is not uncommon to see adult animals nurture across species, but Lilo’s immediate tender and loving care taking of darling little Rosie is just so special. The music set to their interaction in this beautiful video makes it all the more heartwarming. Sit back and enjoy these four minutes of sheer bliss!

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This Dog Has Been Waiting 5 Months For Her Human. The Reason Why Tore My Heart Up!

Indubitably, there is no creature which better showcases the splendid virtue of loyalty, than the admirable dog. As you will soon see for yourself, in the simultaneously heart wrenching and heartwarming actions of a dog whose abundance of fierce devotion is rarely matched, among any known species.

Five months ago, her human met a tragic end by the hand of a drunk driver. Still, she continues the routine that she had followed for years prior. Every day, down the country road she saunters, guided by the desire to greet her best friend.

She waits In the field, where she had always waited to greet him on his way home from work every day. There she has waited since, leaving only for necessities and the occasional social visit with her human’s surviving family.

Her display of love and loyalty is an inspiration rarely witnessed, and it is inclined to bring a tear of bittersweet affection to the eyes of many a viewer. The beautiful expression of unconditional love that pets embody is a powerful therapy for the human race.

Even once her human is gone, she remains dedicated even without reinforcement. Why does she do it? What is her motivation? Truly, we can only speculate. But for anyone who has enjoyed the unparalleled experience of loving a pet, the answers to those questions might be felt better than spoken.

We can see why she waits, for we know that our furry friend would do the same for us. Protect your pets, they love you so very much.

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Bring Your Palms Into This Position If These 2 Lines Touch It Means THIS!

Have you ever wondered what the future may hold in store for you? The answer may be right in the palm of your hand- literally..

For the past several thousand years the art of palmistry has been used to both interpret and predict the fortunes, futures, and fates of people all over the world. The practice is rooted in Hindu astrology where it originated, and involves reading the many different lines and features on the palms of our hands.

You can learn many interesting things about your love life and relationships, even the time frame for when you can expect to get married. Two lines in particular are linked to love and marriage and in the accompanying video psychologist and therapist Ellen Goldberg goes over everything you need to know about them. One line is found on the Mount of Venus which is located right below the thumb, near the base of the hand.

The second line is found under the pinkie, on the Mount of Mercury, and is also known as the lines of affection. To determine exactly where they are refer to the video and keep in mind that each hand needs to be consulted. Look at your dominant hand to see your past and what the future holds, and refer to your passive hand when it comes to matters of personality, character traits, and other similar types of attributes.

Even though palmistry has endured throughout the ages, and even thrived at different times in history, today most people view it as pseudo-science and quickly dismiss it as superstitious beliefs. Part of this skepticism stems from the fact that people don’t truly understand it.

Instead, they only know what they see in the media where it has been wrongly portrayed in the countless books, movies, and TV shows that touch upon it. So take a moment to enlighten yourself and really learn more about it here and now because it’s fascinating to know that there are hints buried in the palms of your hands which can reveal hidden truths about what your future holds.

Read your own palms here and now, without going to a palm reader, by simply following along with the video and see what your lines reveal. Share this with friends and family, then try reading their palm lines. It’s really fun and you may just learn something about them.

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Baby Crawls On Top Of This Husky. Now Watch The Dog’s Unexpected Surprise Reaction!

Troy Slezak brought home a new baby girl a few months ago.  He slowly introduced the baby to his 1 year old wild-eyed and energetic Husky.  Slowly but surely the two hit it off and are now best of friends.  Dad says when his baby is sad the Husky won’t leave the little one’s side.

He also stands guard of the baby to make sure nobody messes with the adorable little baby.  Troy thinks that the dog thinks the baby is his baby as much as it it her real parents. At first when the following video started I admit I was bit a nervous.  The adorable little baby clumsily crawls over to the pup to say hi.

Then at the :18 second mark I realized these two had an undeniable connection and bond.  This instantly put a smile on my face. You can tell these two are going to be best friends for years to come.  This is too cute for words.  Enjoy!

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