Prisoners Start Walking Towards The Camera In Formation. But What They Do Next WOW!

In celebration of Michael Jackson, his longtime choreographer Travis Payne, and dancers Daniel Celebre and Dres Reid, went to The Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) in The Philippines in 2010. Perhaps the reason they chose that particular prison to choreograph an inmate performance of Michael Jackson’s “They Don’t Care About Us”, was that a few years before, an amateur video exhibiting amazing talent from this prison had gone viral!

At that time the inmates performed to Jackson’s hit “Thriller”, which Payne brought to Jackson’s attention before his death. That video wasn’t uploaded for entertainment, according to Byron Garcia, a security consultant for the CPDRC.

His intention at that time, was to show other prison systems what they were doing there, and how it had curbed discipline issues and violence within the prison.

The video you are about to watch below is absolutely stunning! Payne said that working with these talented inmates was one of the most moving experiences of his life.

Aside from being blown away by this incredible performance, it really gives food for thought about the importance of fostering self esteem and self-discipline, so that prisoners are less likely to become repeat offenders.

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Every Night Daddy Puts On The River Dance Music. The Parrot Proceeds To Do The Most Hysterical Moves.

With a name like ‘Lovebird,’ you have to be happy, upbeat, and fun loving! That’s exactly how this beautifully vibrant blue and white feathered lovebird acts when he hears his favorite music. The energetic little parrot has some seriously sweet and awesome dance moves and knows how to boogie on down! The adorable bird seems to really enjoy the fast Irish tune that’s playing and he knows exactly how to dance to the music. He hops up and down while tapping his tiny feet along to the beat, just like how an Irish step dancer moves!

Some of his moves are quite impressive and his Irish jig is seriously on point. He may even dance better than some of the professional River Dancers because he’s doing it all on his own with no training or direction! Check out the way he kicks and moves his feet, it’s awesome to see what a naturally talented and sprightly bird he is.

Lovebirds got their name from the fact that they form monogamous relationships and stay with the same mate for their entire adult life. Even if that were not the case they’d probably still be called lovebirds just the same because of their naturally warm, friendly, affectionate, and caring nature.

Once the small colorful parrots find a lover they spend most of their time sitting right alongside them. They strengthen their bond with their mate by preening and feeding one another and basically doing all of the adorable, sweet types of things that any loved up couple would do.

The clever, intelligent, brightly feathered little birds have long been a much loved favorite of people and bird enthusiasts all over the world. Many keep bonded pairs as pets and if they are treated right and well-taken care of, they can even end up forming super-close bonds with their human counterparts.

It’s easy to tell when a lovebird really and truly likes you because they will cuddle and nestle closely, and sometimes even preen you. Be sure to check out this one’s dance routine to see just how awesome and fun loving they can be!

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He Wanted His Parrot To Talk. But He Never Expected It To Do THIS

Parrots are among the smartest species of birds in the world and are definitely not simple “bird brains.” The colorful and clever birds have captured the imaginations and hearts of people all over the world. When most people think of parrots the image that pops up in their mind is of one sitting on a pirate’s shoulder, maybe even sporting a matching eye patch.

While this popular image has endured throughout history and culture, it doesn’t do parrots any justice. They are so much more fun and complex than some old sea captain’s sidekick, and they require a lot of attention, love, and training to truly thrive and be all that they can be.

The beautiful orange, white, and green feathered parrot in this video is proof of how energetic and fun loving parrots are. The black headed Caique, a parrot subspecies, knows how to get down and boogey when the music gets turned up.

The sprightly little fellow dances an Irish jig just as good, if not even better, than the professional River Dancers do! He jumps up and down, kicks, and pulls off some sweet high stepping moves to an Irish tune called “Emerald.” It’s awesome to see this bird’s energetic, hippity-hoppity display, and it’s safe to say this parrot has one superb natural talent.

While parrots are best known for their speaking abilities, they can be trained to do a number of other tricks. Many are taught to fly through hoops, retrieve things, sing on command, and even roller skate or ride a bicycle!

They have great memories and recall abilities, and with positive reinforcement, time, and dedication, they can learn all sorts of cool tricks. Check out this one’s dance routine and you’ll see how awesome they really are!

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This Police Officer Approaches These Kids. Seconds Later Nobody Expected This Surprise!

Due to some terrible incidents that have dominated news coverage, in which police had negative and sometimes fatal interactions that involved bad judgement or racism, policemen as a whole have suffered community backlash.

It is so unfortunate that cops who serve their communities bravely are hurt by others’ bad judgements.  Recently there have been stories showing footage of the best of police, and the one you are about to watch is at once light-hearted and heart-warming.

There is nothing better than watching a great cop like John Larson, of the San Diego Police, interacting with kids in a fun way.  A small action like this helps to restore the trust that police are approachable.  Watch as John joins kids in a crowded parking lot to do the now popular, “whip/nae nae”, funky dance.

His moves are priceless, and his interview reveals what a great cop patrolling before a football game is all about. The kids had approached hit about a fundraiser they were doing, and this is what happened!  Don’t miss the hilarious twerking player on the side!

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Bindi Irwin’s Inspiring Dance Tribute To Her Late Father Steve Irwin Will Bring You To Tears

We all remember precocious little Bindi Irwin from her years where she joined her dad, Steve Irwin, on his show “The Crocodile Hunter”.  She was the apple of her dad’s eye; they actually had a mutual admiration society.  His untimely death, from a terrible accident in which he was killed by an animal, certainly was traumatizing for the young girl.

Bindi’s spunky spirit was not put-on for the entertainment of the show.  That was her authentic self, that helped her to overcome the very sad and unexpected loss of her dad whom she adored.  Bindi is now an adult, and she has brought her spunky, humorous self to the premiere of the 21st season of Dancing With the Stars.

What you are about to watch in this really enjoyable video clip, is a dance that was inspired by and dedicated to her father.  Her partner is Derek Hough, who seems absolutely tickled by Bindi’s spirit.  She did an amazing job in her first dance of the season.  Bringing down the house to “Crocodile Rock”, she impressed the judges as well, receiving a 24 out of 30; a really high score for the beginning of the season.  I hope you enjoy this video as much asI did!

A day before she performed this dance she posted a really heartwarming note on her Instagram page: “Tomorrow. Dancing with The Stars premiere. There are so many amazing souls that are going to be a part of this. But I want to thank you for your support and love. I couldn’t be where I am today without you. I hope I’m able to inspire the world to remember to be brave and strong in life, even if it scares you. I’m doing this for you.”

She is indeed an inspiring young woman.

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Nobody Believed Him When He Described What He Trained A Seagull To Do. So He Caught THIS On Video

Have you ever seen a seagull tap dance? Well, the time that you all have been waiting for has finally arrived! Since yesteryear’s beginningless dawn, you wondered whether or not you would ever have the glorious opportunity to behold the unfathomable tap dancing seagull. Could it be possible?

Many said it could not, but one Welshman has proven them wrong for once and for all. The timeless debate shall now come to an end, for it is now know that a man can, indeed, train a seagull to tap dance on command.

That’s right, folks, this here is a bonafide tap dancing seagull, complete with feet that tap and a body that wiggles along on top. Not something to take lightly, I assure you, for I speak from firsthand experience. I have, myself, seen a video of this very seagull, and he really did tap dance.

I don’t mean just a little bit, kinda, at least enough that one might be convinced, if gullible enough, to believe the seagull might have been tap dancing.

No, I am talking about the kind of thing you never even hear about because it is too absurd. This bird will tap dance as soon as this man says “Dance!” The rate of success is one hundred percent. The bird is perfectly trained and has the dance choreographed flawlessly.

The proof is in the pudding: this bird dances on command about twenty times, proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that this bird is literally a professional tap dancer. He just gets paid in bread. Not a bad deal!

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